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Thread: Aryan Invasion Theory

  1. #31

    Re: Aryan Invasion Theory

    firstly we are like friends no need to apologise that too for a thing which was not insulting atall.
    and you are correct in pointing that would people be able to keep their religiousness is a serious question. i myself have seen lots of poverty and a need for money has made people soo selfish. as a child i was many time turned off by religious people,asking for reward(money) is reason for going for temple. people like myself never knew what hinduism is about till i came to canada last year.
    your own experience with palmist show the desperation of indian people regarding their need of money, i think.

    i never knew few sadhus, acharya, baba etc etc are famous among western people. i never like them because i use to see them more of a money people fooling others rather than helping spritually( though i was wrong somewhat).

    but ya i do believe dharma will never die......
    anytime i prefer to be a self realised person(though not sadhu).

    chandu_69--- international standard for below poverty line is 1.25$ a day.

  2. #32
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    Re: Aryan Invasion Theory


    Where are you in Canada?


  3. #33

    Re: Aryan Invasion Theory

    i stay in scarborough on pointed post drive near interssection of markham and ellsemere road.

  4. #34
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    Re: Aryan Invasion Theory

    Lots of good temples there. I'm in Edmonton.


  5. #35
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    Re: Aryan Invasion Theory

    Quote Originally Posted by surtibadshah View Post
    i stay in scarborough on pointed post drive near interssection of markham and ellsemere road.
    Well. I love the song 'scarborough fair' by Simon and Garfunkel. Is the song related to the place?
    That which is without letters (parts) is the Fourth, beyond apprehension through ordinary means, the cessation of the phenomenal world, the auspicious and the non-dual. Thus Om is certainly the Self. He who knows thus enters the Self by the Self.

  6. #36
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    Re: Aryan Invasion Theory

    Tons of Canadian Place names were caused by the British invasion. I guess they couldn't pronounce the First People's (aboriginal) names. The second largest London (150 000) in the world is about 100 miles west of Scarborough. A lot of similarities (historical naming) to Bombay, Madras, Calcutta, Salem, etc.

    My ancestry is British, but somehow I managed to escape that ... feelin free er by the year.

    Aum Namasivaya

  7. #37

    Aryan Invasion Theory

    Reconstructing Indian population history
    Nature 461, 489-494 (24 September 2009)
    http://www.nature. com/nature/ journal/v461/ n7263/abs/ nature08365. html

    Recently Nature magazine published a DNA analysis of major Indian groups and castes to find about their origins. This is quite authentic and, it significantly weakens the Aryan Invasion Theory hypothesis. Here is a summary (generated with the help of one geneticist friend) -

    The study found that most major Indian groups can be genetically modeled as descending from two major ancestral populations: a caucasian population and a "dravidian" south asian population. But there is no clear distinction.

    - North Indian are more Caucasian, South Indians are more Dravidian. But all Indians are a mix of Caucasians and Dravidian ancestry. Caucasian:dravidian ratio for Kashmiri Pandits are 70:30 while the ratio of Andhra middle caste is 40:60. Higher castes have more aryan ancestry than lower castes, but the spread is too thin. Most people in Indian today are pretty well mixed, though in varying proportions. Most Indians can trace their ancestry to either Aryan (ie Caucasian) or Dravidian.

    - In initial years of Vedic period (likely before 200-300 AD), there was a lot of intermingling and marriages between different kulas, that resulted into a mixed population. Sometime, 2000 years back, the divisions started getting more defined, and there has been little intercaste marriage after that. The loosely defined kulas or castes, became more strongly defined witht the advent of middle ages.

    - Genetically, Aryans are Caucasians similar to white Europeans. Dravidians are East Asians similar to Chinese, Japanese etc. Dravidians are not genetically similar to Afrikans.

    - There is another race in india - Adivasis or Tribes who are hunter-gatherers. As opposed to Dravidians or Aryans, who likely were farmers. The Adivasis were pushed into the forrest by the Dravidians. The Adivasis did not mix with other Indians.

    - There is no Aryan invasion. It is more like an Aryan assimilation. The great mixed Indian race provided the basic framework of Sanatan Dharma. In middle ages as well, Indian soceity assimilated Kushans, huns into the fold of Sanatan Dharma. This assimilation failed with the advent of Evangelistic Semitic religions - such as Islam and Cristianity.

    Any input is appreciated.

    HariH Om!
    Hare Krishna

  8. #38
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    Re: Aryan Invasion Theory

    I think, like other theories, that this one starts with one basic Judeo-Christian assumption. That being: man originated in the "Holy Land" somewhere around Jerusalem, and spread from there.

    When an ancient city (5000 years or so, I can't recall details) in the South of Africa was discovered, these same biased guys assumed that some whites from up north must have wandered, captured people and built it. Black Africans couldn't possibly have built it.

    Starting out with a false assumption, one can construe all kinds of weird results. I'm glad that this Aryan (the superior ones) invasion theory is all but kaput. Another 20 years, once all the old biased anthropologists drop their bodies, it'll be like 'the earth is flat' theory.

    Aum Namasivaya

  9. #39

    Re: Aryan Invasion Theory

    Quote Originally Posted by Eastern Mind View Post
    I think, like other theories, that this one starts with one basic Judeo-Christian assumption. That being: man originated in the "Holy Land" somewhere around Jerusalem, and spread from there.
    Aum Namasivaya
    Dear Eastern Mind,
    This actually tells that man originated from Africa near about Ethiopia. The theory is based on being able to get mtDNA from human being's DNA. mtDNA that is carried over from generation to generation, with markers when human beings characteristics change. It discovered things which were not known earlier. Initially there was no evidence of the fact that there was human habitation in India before 4000BC. DNA mapping shows that Adivasi population existed in India even in 45000BC. South India saw their first humans in around 30000BC.
    HariH Om.
    Hare Krishna

  10. #40
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    Re: Aryan Invasion Theory

    Quote Originally Posted by eriko View Post
    I had no idea that the British invented this theory. But I did read a few things about it and I don't think that this was merely an invention but was actually based on the findings of few years back.

    But anyways what I wanted to say is that according to new evidence that has been found in context to this, it is now thought that ARYANS WERE PEOPL LIVING IN INDIA who left India and than possibly came back. And now this theory is geeting many backers.

    So I think it does mean that NORTH INDIANS AND SOUTH INDIANS BOTH ARE ARYANS. People should realise this and stop discrimininating against each other.

    Though it is really very sad that Europeans took up the Aryan name and Swastik making them symbols of racism. But there are many people who understand that Aryan and Nazi are two totally different things. So it is not like we need to feel bad about it anymore.

    All I would say is that INDIANS (North and South both) SHOULD FEEL PROUD TO BE ARYANS because being concious about our ethinicity is not being discriminant.
    AIT was unleashed originally by Max Mullar, a pid lacky of the British. If about 150 is "few" then AIT is only a few years old.

    But by now AIT has been refuted. In fact many decades ago it was trashed.

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