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Thread: A Personal Hindu Library

  1. #11
    Join Date
    August 2006
    Rep Power

    Re: A Personal Hindu Library

    Dharma, Karma and saMsAra
    Dharma (Living)
    Hindu System of Moral Science (1912)(KL Sarkar) (12.7 MB)

    IT has become the custom with the scholars of the West now-a-clays, to extol highly the metaphysics of India, But at the same time they never forget to proclaim that her philosophy had never had the idea of considering ethics as a science independently nay, that it had taught, at times, the idea that the state of super-consciousness could be realised without even the attainment in life of a high ethical standard, An unbiased examination of the scriptures however, makes the matter appear in a totally different light. -- author

    Ideal of Married Life (Sivananda) (57 KB)

    Marriage is a sacred spiritual partnership between two souls who have come upon this earth to evolve an ideal life of nobility, virtue and Dharma and attain their goal of divine perfection through such ideal life. Therefore, the home of the married couple is a sanctified centre of spiritual life. The home is their place of worship, prayer, spiritual Sadhana and daily meditation. -- author

    Marriage (Kapali Shastry) (249 KB)

    Concept of Family being the emergent institution of the contemporary human civilization, the Vedas provide adequate solutions to the resultant problems that may arise in marriage. Even after knowing a lot one can't declare that I know everything. Given below are some salient information and ideals. The practice of these ideals will be of great help in the success of married life. -- publishers

    Tamil Wisdom: Traditions Concerning Hindu Sages, and Selections from Their Writings (EJ Robinson) (9.0 MB)

    A typical colonnial view of native wisdom that ignorantly believes that "the traditions of the people, prevented society from falling into entire barbarism, and in principle, at the least, anticipated the Christian rule which now prevails to the great advantage of all classes of the natives of India."

    Women in Hindu Dharma--A Tribute (1.6 MB)

    The close connection of women with divine revelation in Hinduism may be judged from the fact that of the 407 Sages associated with the revelation of Rigveda, twenty-one5 are women. Many of these mantras are quite significant for instance the hymn on the glorification of the Divine Speech. The very invocatory mantra of the Atharvaveda addresses divinity as a ‘Devi’ – the Goddess, who while present in waters, fulfills all our desires and hopes. In the Atharvaveda, the entire 14th book dealing with marriage, domestic issues etc., is attributed to a woman. Portions of other 19 books are also attributed to women sages. -- author of the Website

    The Absolute Law of Karma (awgp) (240 KB)

    In the present book an attempt has been made to give rational and logical explanations of relationship between human deeds and destiny. It explains how events of good fortune and misfortune, happiness and suffering in human life are results of one’s own deeds. It is hoped that this booklet will provide satisfactory answers to the queries relating to the role played by the consequences of an individual’s deeds in the making of his destiny. -- author

    Karma and Diseases (Sivananda) (53 KB)

    The diseases we suffer from the births we get here on earth are all products of actions done by us in previous times. Every action has its reaction and no action goes unrewarded in a suitable manner. Evil actions do not go without their bitter effects upon the doer. Here are given some of the many pitiable conditions of life which man has to live in due to his careless sinful deeds. -- author

    Karma and Reincarnation (Joseph Morales) (467 KB)

    Being philosophically-minded, I have always found the descriptions of the doctrine of karma by Eastern teachers to be frustratingly vague. So I set out to find out what, exactly, the doctrine of karma is, and why we should believe it. The resulting study is somewhat lengthy, so I have now broken it into small topics that you can read individually. -- author

    saMsAra (Death and Tansmigration)
    Vedanta Philosophy of Reincarnation (Abhedananda) (80 KB)

    A holisic and instructive series of lectures on topics such as:
    1. Reincarnation
    2. Heredity and Reincarnation
    3. Evolution and Reincarnation
    4. Which Is Scientific--Resurrection or Reincarnation?
    5. Theory of Transmigration

    The Life Beyond Physical Death (awgp) (160 KB)

    For readers, who consider the physical bodily senses as the exclusive means for finding the ultimate truth, the matter dealt with in this book may appear to be an utopean conceptual exercise. Others, who believe in the words of achieved saints and having para-normal vision, would find in it authentic material, which the writer has aquired and summarised after close interaction with many great souls. -- author

    What Becomes of the Soul After Death (Sivananda) (435 KB)

    This present book by Swami Sivanandaji Maharaj is a departure from the usual line in that it is based, to a great extent, upon authoritative scriptural texts and upon knowledge derived through reasoning, deep reflection and personal meditation. It throws a flood of light upon all aspects of post-mortem existence not adequately dealt with in other works. The book also gives valuable information about the different beliefs on this subject, of the various races and religions. -- publisher

  2. #12
    Join Date
    August 2006
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    Re: A Personal Hindu Library

    Here is the HTML interface to be saved in a filed named 00DharmaKarmaSamskara.html and placed in the BooksHindu folder for viewing/downloading the books in the section.

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    My Personal Hindu Library </title>

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    <!--- Title -->
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    <h5 style="text-align:center; color:black">
    My Personal Hindu Library </h5>

    <!--- Page Text -->
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    <div style="margin-left:20px; margin-right:20px; font-weight:normal;">
    <em class="highlight">
    Dharma, Karma and saMsAra </em> &nbsp: (&clubs; indicates a booklet)<br />
    <a class="online" href="#dharma">Dharma</a> |
    <a class="online" href="#karma">Karma</a> |
    <a class="online" href="#samsara">Samsara</a>

    <br /><br />
    <!-- Dharma -->
    <a name="dharma"></a>
    <em class="green"> Dharma (Living) </em><br />
    <a class="text" href="hindusystemofmor014854mbp.pdf" target="_BLANK">Hindu System of Moral Science (1912)(KL Sarkar)</a>
    <a class="online" href="" target="_BLANK">download</a> (12.7 MB)<br />

    IT has become the custom with the scholars of the West now-a-clays, to extol highly the metaphysics of India, But at the same time they never forget to proclaim that her philosophy had never had the idea of considering ethics as a science independently nay, that it had taught, at times, the idea that the state of super-consciousness could be realised without even the attainment in life of a high ethical standard, An unbiased examination of the scriptures however, makes the matter appear in a totally different light. -- author

    <br /><br /><a class="text" href="married.pdf" target="_BLANK">Ideal of Married Life (Sivananda)</a> &clubs;
    <a class="online" href="" target="_BLANK">download</a> (57 KB)<br />

    Marriage is a sacred spiritual partnership between two souls who have come upon this earth to evolve an ideal life of nobility, virtue and Dharma and attain their goal of divine perfection through such ideal life. Therefore, the home of the married couple is a sanctified centre of spiritual life. The home is their place of worship, prayer, spiritual Sadhana and daily meditation. -- author

    <br /><br /><a class="text" href="Marriage.pdf" target="_BLANK">Marriage (Kapali Shastry)</a> &clubs;
    <a class="online" href="" target="_BLANK">download</a> (249 KB)<br />

    Concept of Family being the emergent institution of the contemporary human civilization, the Vedas provide adequate solutions to the resultant problems that may arise in marriage. Even after knowing a lot one can't declare that I know everything. Given below are some salient information and ideals. The practice of these ideals will be of great help in the success of married life. -- publishers

    <br /><br /><a class="text" href="tamilwisdomtradi00robiuoft.pdf" target="_BLANK">Tamil wisdom: traditions ... writings (EJ Robinson)</a>
    <a class="online" href="" target="_BLANK">download</a> (9.0 MB)<br />

    A typical colonnial view of native wisdom that ignorantly believes that "the traditions of the people, prevented society from falling into entire barbarism, and in principle, at the least, anticipated the Christian rule which now prevails to the great advantage of all classes of the natives of India."

    <br /><br /><a class="text" href="nari.pdf" target="_BLANK">Women in Hindu Dharma--A Tribute</a> &clubs;
    <a class="online" href="" target="_BLANK">download</a> (1.6 MB)<br />

    The close connection of women with divine revelation in Hinduism may be judged from the fact that of the 407 Sages associated with the revelation of Rigveda, twenty-one5 are women. Many of these mantras are quite significant for instance the hymn on the glorification of the Divine Speech. The very invocatory mantra of the Atharvaveda addresses divinity as a ‘Devi’ – the Goddess, who while present in waters, fulfills all our desires and hopes. In the Atharvaveda, the entire 14th book dealing with marriage, domestic issues etc., is attributed to a woman. Portions of other 19 books are also attributed to women sages. -- author of the Website

    <!-- Karma -->
    <a name="karma"></a>
    <br /><br /><br /><em class="green"> Karma </em><br />
    <a class="text" href="absolute_law_of_karma.pdf" target="_BLANK">The Absolute Law of Karma</a> &clubs;
    <a class="online" href="" target="_BLANK">download</a> (240 KB)<br />

    In the present book an attempt has been made to give rational and logical explanations of relationship between human deeds and destiny. It explains how events of good fortune and misfortune, happiness and suffering in human life are results of one’s own deeds. It is hoped that this booklet will provide satisfactory answers to the queries relating to the role played by the consequences of an individual’s deeds in the making of his destiny. -- author

    <br /><br /><a class="text" href="karmadisease.pdf" target="_BLANK">Karma and Diseases (Sivananda)</a> &clubs;
    <a class="online" href="" target="_BLANK">download</a> (53 KB)<br />

    The diseases we suffer from the births we get here on earth are all products of actions done by us in previous times. Every action has its reaction and no action goes unrewarded in a suitable manner. Evil actions do not go without their bitter effects upon the doer. Here are given some of the many pitiable conditions of life which man has to live in due to his careless sinful deeds. -- author

    <br /><br /><a class="text" href="Karma_and_Reincarnation.rtf" target="_BLANK">Karma and Reincarnation (Joseph Morales)</a>
    <a class="online" href="" target="_BLANK">download</a> (467 KB)<br />

    Being philosophically-minded, I have always found the descriptions of the doctrine of karma by Eastern teachers to be frustratingly vague. So I set out to find out what, exactly, the doctrine of karma is, and why we should believe it. The resulting study is somewhat lengthy, so I have now broken it into small topics that you can read individually. -- author

    <!-- Samsara -->
    <a name="samsara"></a>
    <br /><br /><br /><em class="green"> saMsAra (Death and Tansmigration) </em><br />
    <a class="text" href="life_death.pdf" target="_BLANK">The Life Beyond Physical Death (awgp)</a> &clubs;
    <a class="online" href="" target="_BLANK">download</a> (160 KB)<br />

    For readers, who consider the physical bodily senses as the exclusive means for finding the ultimate truth, the matter dealt with in this book may appear to be an utopean conceptual exercise. Others, who believe in the words of achieved saints and having para-normal vision, would find in it authentic material, which the writer has aquired and summarised after close interaction with many great souls. -- author

    <br /><br /><a class="text" href="abhedanaetext058rinc10pdf.pdf" target="_BLANK">Vedanta Philosophy of Reincarnation (Abhedananda)</a> &clubs;
    <a class="online" href="" target="_BLANK">download</a> (80 KB)<br />

    A holisic and instructive series of lectures on topics such as:
    1. Reincarnation
    2. Heredity and Reincarnation
    3. Evolution and Reincarnation
    4. Which Is Scientific--Resurrection or Reincarnation?
    5. Theory of Transmigration

    <br /><br /><a class="text" href="afterdeath.pdf" target="_BLANK">What Becomes of the Soul After Death (Sivananda)</a>
    <a class="online" href="" target="_BLANK">download</a> (435 KB)<br />

    This present book by Swami Sivanandaji Maharaj is a departure from the usual line in that it is based, to a great extent, upon authoritative scriptural texts and upon knowledge derived through reasoning, deep reflection and personal meditation. It throws a flood of light upon all aspects of post-mortem existence not adequately dealt with in other works. The book also gives valuable information about the different beliefs on this subject, of the various races and religions. -- publisher


  3. #13
    Join Date
    August 2006
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    Re: A Personal Hindu Library

    One God
    God as Mother (Sivananda) (234 KB)

    During the Navaratra Durga Puja at the Sivananda Ashram, Rishikesh, in 1953 (8th to 17th October), Revered Sri Swami Chidanandaji Maharaj delivered a series of most illuminating lectures on "God as Mother" which have been brought together in a book form. -- publishers

    God Exists (Sivananda) (319 KB)

    Sage Sivananda has proclaimed the existence of God and the soul-force behind his Word has awakened the faith in millions of people all over the world. He has brought forth interesting illustrations and illuminating logic to support his declaration, to convince even a confirmed atheist of the existence of God. They have all been brought together in this volume which is a boon to the spiritual propagandist, the teacher, and people all over the world.the believers and the non-believers. -- publishers

    Many Gods
    Loving Ganesha (Satguru Sivaya Subramuniyaswami)

    An illustrated resource on Dharma's Benevolent Deity, Remover of Obstacles, Patron of Art and Science, honored as first among the celestials.

    Lord Krishna: His Lila and Teaching (Sivananda) (533 KB)

    Lord Krishna was the Purna Avatara with 16 Kalas. Every word of His teachings and every act of His was full of sublime object lessons of momentous import to humanity.

    Study His teachings to Uddhava. Drink the nectar of Srimad Bhagavata. Sing His glories. Repeat His grand mantraOMNamo Bhagavate Vasudevaya. Do total self-surrender unto Him. You will soon attain union with Him. -- author

    Krishna's Flute (TL Vaswani) (10.1 MB)

    To me there is meaning in the words of the mediaeval mystic who said : " There is no service without devotion to Krishna." To me the very words Gokul and Dwarka and Brindaban and Mathura and Kurukshetra carry a messagea creed of life. -- author

    Lord Shanmukha and His Worship (Sivananda) (333 KB)

    The Advent of Lord Skanda or Karttikeya, the purpose of His incarnation as an Avatara and its significance should be of great importance and of immense value to seekers after Truth. Lord Skanda, also known as Shanmukha, is adored and worshipped with intense faith and devotion throughout South India and Sri Lanka. And naturally it will be of great interest to all His devotees, in particular, to know more about Him, the significance of His birth and His life and career as a victorious General. -- publishers

    Lord Siva and His Worship (Sivananda) (483 KB)

    This is a most valuable and instructive book for the aspirants, particularly for the devotees of Lord Siva. It contains fifteen chapters. It is full of instructions on practical Sadhana for attaining Siva-Tattva or God-realisation. The chapters will speak for themselves. The secrets of Siva-Tandava, Sakti-Yoga, Siva-Tattva, etc., are very nicely presented. The translation of the Saiva Upanishads is a beautiful addition. The lives of Siva Acharyas, the Bhaktas and the Nayanars are inspiring and soul-stirring. A study of their lives will make one’s life sublime and holy. -- publishers

    The Village Gods of South India (H.Whitehead) (10.2 MB)

    THE material for this account of the village gods of South India has been gathered almost entirely from my own observation and inquiry. I have been able to get little help from books, as this is, I think, the first attempt at dealing systematically with this aspect of Indian religion. It does not pretend to be anything like an exhaustive account of all the various rites and ceremonies observed in the worship of the village deities. -- author

  4. #14
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    August 2006
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    Re: A Personal Hindu Library

    Here is the HTML interface to be saved in a filed named 00God.html and placed in the BooksHindu folder for viewing/downloading the books in the section.

    <!-- ***************************************************************** -->
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    <!-- Author: HTML : saidevo -->
    <!-- Author: JavaScript : saidevo -->
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    <!-- Description: -->
    <!-- God page of My Personal Hindu Library. -->
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    <link rel="StyleSheet" href="00HinduLib.css" type="text/css" media="screen">
    My Personal Hindu Library </title>

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    <!--- Title -->
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    <h5 style="text-align:center; color:black">
    My Personal Hindu Library </h5>

    <!--- Page Text -->
    <div id="pageTextId" class="pageText">

    <div style="margin-left:20px; margin-right:20px; font-weight:normal;">
    <em class="highlight">
    God </em> &nbsp: (&clubs; indicates a booklet)<br />
    <em class="green"> One God </em><br />
    <a class="text" href="godmother.pdf" target="_BLANK">God as Mother (Chidananda)</a>
    <a class="online" href="" target="_BLANK">download</a> (234 KB)<br />

    During the Navaratra Durga Puja at the Sivananda Ashram, Rishikesh, in 1953 (8th to 17th October), Revered Sri Swami Chidanandaji Maharaj delivered a series of most illuminating lectures on “God as Mother” which have been brought together in a book form. -- publishers

    <br /><br /><a class="text" href="god_exists.pdf" target="_BLANK">God Exists (Sivananda)</a>
    <a class="online" href="" target="_BLANK">download</a> (319 KB)<br />

    Sage Sivananda has proclaimed the existence of God and the soul-force behind his Word has awakened the faith in millions of people all over the world. He has brought forth interesting illustrations and illuminating logic to support his declaration, to convince even a confirmed atheist of the existence of God. They have all been brought together in this volume which is a boon to the spiritual propagandist, the teacher, and people all over the world.the believers and the non-believers. -- publishers

    <br /><br /><em class="green"> Many Gods </em><br />
    <a class="online" href="" target="_BLANK">Loving Ganesha (SSS)(online)</a><br />

    An illustrated resource on Dharma's Benevolent Deity, Remover of Obstacles, Patron of Art and Science, honored as first among the celestials.

    <br /><br /><a class="text" href="lordkrishna.pdf" target="_BLANK">Lord Krishna: His Lila and Teaching (Sivananda)</a>
    <a class="online" href="" target="_BLANK">download</a> (533 KB)<br />

    Lord Krishna was the Purna Avatara with 16 Kalas. Every word of His teachings and every act of His was full of sublime object lessons of momentous import to humanity.

    Study His teachings to Uddhava. Drink the nectar of Srimad Bhagavata. Sing His glories. Repeat His grand mantraOMNamo Bhagavate Vasudevaya. Do total self-surrender unto Him. You will soon attain union with Him. -- author

    <br /><br /><a class="text" href="krishnasflute00vaswiala.pdf" target="_BLANK">Krishna's Flute (TL Vaswani)</a>
    <a class="online" href="" target="_BLANK">download</a> (10.1 MB)<br />

    To me there is meaning in the words of the mediaeval mystic who said : " There is no service without devotion to Krishna." To me the very words Gokul and Dwarka and Brindaban and Mathura and Kurukshetra carry a messagea creed of life. -- author

    <br /><br /><a class="text" href="shanmukha.pdf" target="_BLANK">Lord Shanmukha and His Worship (Sivananda)</a>
    <a class="online" href="" target="_BLANK">download</a> (333 KB)<br />

    The Advent of Lord Skanda or Karttikeya, the purpose of His incarnation as an Avatara and its significance should be of great importance and of immense value to seekers after Truth. Lord Skanda, also known as Shanmukha, is adored and worshipped with intense faith and devotion throughout South India and Sri Lanka. And naturally it will be of great interest to all His devotees, in particular, to know more about Him, the significance of His birth and His life and career as a victorious General. -- publishers

    <br /><br /><a class="text" href="lordsiva.pdf" target="_BLANK">Lord Siva and His Worship (Sivananda)</a>
    <a class="online" href="" target="_BLANK">download</a> (483 KB)<br />

    This is a most valuable and instructive book for the aspirants, particularly for the devotees of Lord Siva. It contains fifteen chapters. It is full of instructions on practical Sadhana for attaining Siva-Tattva or God-realisation. The chapters will speak for themselves. The secrets of Siva-Tandava, Sakti-Yoga, Siva-Tattva, etc., are very nicely presented. The translation of the Saiva Upanishads is a beautiful addition. The lives of Siva Acharyas, the Bhaktas and the Nayanars are inspiring and soul-stirring. A study of their lives will make one’s life sublime and holy. -- publishers

    <br /><br /><a class="text" href="thevillagegodsof00whituoft.pdf" target="_BLANK">The Village Gods of South India (H.Whitehead)</a>
    <a class="online" href="" target="_BLANK">download</a> (10.2 MB)<br />

    THE material for this account of the village gods of South India has been gathered almost entirely from my own observation and inquiry. I have been able to get little help from books, as this is, I think, the first attempt at dealing systematically with this aspect of Indian religion. It does not pretend to be anything like an exhaustive account of all the various rites and ceremonies observed in the worship of the village deities. -- author


  5. #15
    Join Date
    August 2006
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    Re: A Personal Hindu Library

    Guru and Guru Parampara
    Guru Tattva (Sivaananda) (200 KB)

    In spite of much that has been written on the concept of a spiritual Guru, there is still a good deal of confusion, misunderstanding, and skepticism in the public mind on this vital matter.

    Is a Guru absolutely necessary? Who is a Satguru? How far can he help his Chela (disciple)? What are the duties of a disciple? What is the meaning of Initiation? Want of clear-cut and definite answers to these and related questions often impedes the spiritual progress of earnest aspirants.

    Under the circumstances, the present book by Satguru Sivanandaji Maharaj should come as a boon to many. Within its pages, the reader will find an authoritative, succinct and bold elucidation of the entire subject of Guru-disciple relationship. -- publishers

    Sure Ways to Guru Kripa (Chidananda) (72 KB)

    We have been told by our scriptures that guru kripa is a wonderful, mysterious factor that will enable the aspirants to seek and to attain the summum bonum of life, Self-realisation, darshan of God, or moksha. Whether the disciple does sadhana or not, whether one is deserving or undeserving, guru kripa sets aside all normal laws that operate in the spiritual plane and takes one to transcendental bliss. If we are to believe the scriptures, we should say that there is nothing except guru kripa needed for us to attain perfection in life. -- author
    Adi Sankara
    Adi Sankaracharya: Biography (413 KB)

    A compilation by "harshanand_16" of the Advaitin Yahoo Groups.

    The Original Sankaracharya (Age of)(David Reigle) (488 KB)

    Sankara's date from a Theosophical point of view.

    Age of Sankara (TS Narayana Sastry) (links to 10 pdf files)

    The Age of Sankara, by T. S. Narayana Sastry, 1971 (reprint of 1916 original, where the name was spelled: Narayana Sastri). The author establishes that the Adi Sankara was born on 509 BCE and that the date 788 CE commonly attributed to him is actually the date of birth of Abhinava Sankara who adorned Kamakoti Peetam at Kanchi as the 38th successor of Adi Sankara.

    Shankara: A Hindu Revivalist or a Crypto Buddhist? (Kencho Tenzin) (462 KB)

    Shankara, the great Indian thinker, was known as the accurate expounder of the Upanishads. He is seen as a towering figure in the history of Indian philosophy and is credited with restoring the teachings of the Vedas to their pristine form. However, there are others who do not see such contributions from Shankara. They criticize his philosophy by calling it "crypto-Buddhism." It is his unique philosophy of Advaita Vedanta that puts him at odds with other Hindu orthodox schools. Ironically, he is also criticized by Buddhists as a "born enemy of Buddhism" due to his relentless attacks on their tradition. This thesis, therefore, probes the question of how Shankara should best be regarded, "a Hindu Revivalist or a Crypto-Buddhist?" -- author

    Divine Life Society: Sivananda and Others
    All About Sivananda (Venkatesananda) KB)

    "All About Sivananda" is a kind of all-round meditation on the various phases of the personality and message of the great saint and sage, His Holiness Sri Swami Sivanadaji Maharaj, as visualised by the author, Swami Venkatesananda, who was a direct disciple of the Master. This is a veritable pen-picture of the many sides which the majestic hero of this book touched in his personal life and teachings. -- publishers

    Autobiography of Swami Sivananda (396 KB)

    A saint’s life is the ideal for all to emulate, a pattern for everyone who would make his own life sublime. It is an open book from which to learn the lessons of divine life. However much one tries to gain knowledge of spiritual truths from scriptures and texts, it is not until one actually sees someone in whom those truths shine exemplified that one is ready, willing and eager to realise those truths in actual daily life. That is the purpose that this inspiring book serves. -- publishers

    A Great Guru and His Ideal Disciple (on Sivananda) (173 KB)

    This booklet is a silent tribute to the sacred memory of late H. H. Swami Pranavanandaji; brought out on the 7th year of his having entered into Eternal Rest in 1982 March. -- publishers

    Gurudev and Dr.Devaki Kutty Mataji (on Sivananda) (242 KB)

    A Love-Offering From Matri Satsang on the Occasion of the Amrit Mahotsava in October, 1998 of Dear and Revered Dr. Devaki Kutty Mataji. -- publishers

    I Live to Serve (last days of Sivananda) (847 KB)

    ... we present in the following pages a more detailed account of the touching incidents which filled the Master’s life during the period immediately preceding his Mahasamadhi. Through a critical portrayal of these incidents, the author, an inmate of the Ashram, has vividly brought out many of the characteristic traits in Gurudev’s personality which captured the heart of his wide circle of devotees. -- publishers

    A Messenger of Peace and Wisdom (about Krishnananda) (777 KB)

    ... with joy and satisfaction that we are releasing this Commemoration Volume on this auspicious occasion of the Amrita Mahotsava of revered Sri Swami Krishnanandaji Maharaj, ... -- publishers

    A Messenger of Peace and Wisdom (on Krishnananda) (356 KB)

    We wish to express our gratitude to the numerous contributors for their feelingful write-ups which portray in different colours, the multifaceted resplendent personality of the Swamiji; and the value of the Souvenir is enhanced by the Swamiji’s own scintillating articles and poems. -- publishers

    Miracles of Sivananda (269 KB)

    In the miracles of Swami Sivanandaji Maharaj recorded in this volume, the reader will not fail to notice that they have invariably brought about an inner spiritual transformation in the devotees concerned. This is the greatest miracle of Swami Sivanandaji Maharaj. The devotee’s disease is cured or life saved; the devotee’s faith is at once increased; and at the very same moment, there is an inner transformation, a purification of the heart, an intensification of aspiration to realise God. -- publishers

    My Life: Autobiography of Swami Krishnananda (475 KB)

    Swamiji felt that he should write something about his early days of such struggle and suffering. It would read like a meandering story in different phases, which would be sometimes humorous, tragic, and successful. It is here for what it is, and all should be considered as well. -- publishers

    This Monk from India (Yvonne Lebeau) (320 KB)

    This book by Yvonne LeBeau, a spiritual seeker from France, is in the nature of a tribute to her Guru or spiritual mentor, Sri Swami Chidanandaji Maharaj. An interesting aspect of the book is the light it throws on the encounter between the occidental mind and oriental philosophy. Another aspect of the book—and an equally significant one—is the insight it gives into the various struggles which every spiritual seeker has to undergo in traversing the path of Yoga or conscious spiritual evolution. -- publishers

    Samarpan (292 KB)

    This memorable volume "SAMARPAN" has been published by GUJARAT DIVYA JIVAN SANGH on the auspicious occasion of THE GOLDEN JUBLIEE CELEBRATION (50th Birth Anniversary) of SRI SWAMI ADHYATMANANDA SARASWATI of the Divine Life Society, H. Q. Sivananda Ashram, Rishikesh. -- publishers

    Sri Swami Sivananda and His Mission (Krishnananda) (online)

    During Sadhana Week 1985, Sri Swami Krishnanandaji Maharaj delivered a series of six lectures entitled Sri Swami Sivananda and His Mission. These lectures were given as an outpouring of the entirety of being and transport the reader to the early days in the journey of Holy Master Sri Swami Sivanandaji Maharaj - the struggles, trials and tribulations which were the foundation of what is The Divine Life Society. Here is a potent account that will give the heart a glimpse into the journey of a great saint and master of our times. --

    Swami Sivananda--A Modern Sage (98 KB)

    A DLS publication of a brief biography of the sage.

    Some Reminiscences (Devananda) (83 KB)

    I feel, it is quite fitting time to remember our holy Master Sadguru Dev during this happy occasion of Diamond Jubilee Anniversary celebrations to express my deep felt gratitude, reverence and devotion to Gurudev in a humble way. -- author

    Thy Will be Done (on Swami Chidananda) (274 KB)

    ... we are bringing out a unique Souvenir depicting 80 episodes of Swamiji.s holy sojourn on this planet. We are hopeful of devotees treasuring this photo-album where his characteristic poses bring to our imagination Swamiji.s lovable personality. -- publishers

    Kanchi Kamakoti PiTham
    Pujya Sri Mahaswamy Divya Charitram (Sambamoorthi) (688 KB)

    A chronicle of Paramacharya's life and early yAtras.

    Kauai's Hindu Monastery
    Yogaswami: Testament of Truth (HA)(online)

    A Study of the Life and Teachings of Yogaswami -- HA

    Yogaswami: Words of Our Master (HA)(online)

    Yoga Swamigal was fluent in Tamil as well as English. What he said to Sandaswami was in English, and the sayings recorded by him are given verbatim in that language. His talks with the three other disciples mentioned here were in English or Tamil. Those in English are quoted direct and indicated (E) while those in Tamil are rendered into English. -- HA
    Paramahansa Yogananda and His Gurus
    Autobiography of a Yogi (HTML)(1.6 MB)

    The value of Yogananda's AUTOBIOGRAPHYis greatly enhanced by the fact that it is one of the few books in English about the wise men of India which has been written, not by a journalist or foreigner, but by one of their own race and training—in short, a book ABOUT yogis BY a yogi. -- W. Y. EVANS-WENTZ, OUP Preface

    Paramahansa Swami Yogananda: Life-Portrait and Reminiscences (SB Dasgupta)(online)

    A personal account of the master by the disciple. (in Yoga Niketan Library: main.htm)

    Shyama Charan Lahiri Mahasay (Satyananda Giri)(online) (in Yoga Niketan Library: Biographies)

    Swami Kebalananda: A Short Biography (online) (in Yoga Niketan Library: Biographies)

    Swami Yukteshvar Giri: A Biography (online) (in Yoga Niketan Library: Biographies)

    Yogananda Sanga (Satyananda Giri) (online) (in Yoga Niketan Library: Biographies)
    Ramakrishna MaTham
    The Gospel of Sri Ramakrishna (abridged) (83 KB)

    The Gospel of Sri Ramakrishna (complete) (5.0 MB)

    Sri Ramakrishna Kathamrita

    The Sayings of Ramakrishna (Max Muller) (317 KB)
    Vivekananda on Ramakrishna (237 KB)

    Vivekananda: A Biography (Nikhilananda) (621 KB)
    The Glory of Arunachala (Ramanananda Saraswati, Tr.MC.Subramanian) (569 KB)

    The Tamil translation of Arunachala Mahatmyam (Sanskrit) done by Sri Munagala S. Venkataramiah (later Sri Ramanananda Saraswati, compiler of Talks with Sri Ramana Maharshi) is already published by Sri Ramanasramam. The English translation of this by Sri M. C. Subramanian was serialised in The Mountain Path. -- publishers

    Ramana's Arunachala: Devotees (956 KB)

    A work of this kind is not a record of facts and details. What this book records are the experiences of devotees, sages and saints who have felt Arunachala in the hill, Arunachala in the temple and Arunachala in Ramana. -- V.S.Ramanan (in Foreword)

    Ramana Maharshi
    Brunton, Paul: Maharshi and His Message (286 KB)

    In the presence of this Sage one felt security and inward peace. The spiritual radiations which emanated from him were allpenetrating. I learnt to recognise in his person the sublime truths which he taught, while I was no less hushed into reverence by his incredibly sainted atmosphere. He possessed a deific personality which defies description. -- author

    Chadwick, AW: A Sadhu's Reminiscences (269 KB)

    Sadhu Arunachala of Sri Ramanasramam, Tiruvannamalai, is a good example of perfect devotion to our Guru, Bhagavan Sri Ramana Maharshi. Some twentyfive years ago the name and fame of Bhagavan Sri Ramana dragged him from England to India, and having come to Bhagavan’s Supreme Abode he never returned. -- T.K.Sundaresa Iyer, Introduction

    Cohen, SS: Guru Ramana (470 KB)

    This book, as its sub-title indicates, contains some of my reminiscences as well as the notes which I took down at odd times during my long residence in Ramanashram. -- author

    Cohen, SS: Reflections on Talks (456 KB)

    To write a commentary on Sri Ramana Bhagavan’s words, which are deemed to be lucidity itself, may seem to be a superfluous labour; yet there are thousands of studious seekers who have not had the privilege of hearing the teaching direct from the Master’s lips, who would feel benefited and, indeed, happy to receive an exposition of it from those who have. For the sake of these I have culled from the compendious work, now the well-reputed Talks with Sri Ramana Maharshi, such gems and in such numbers as in my humble opinion can fairly and comprehensively represent the teaching... -- author

    Devaraja Mudaliar, A: Day by Day with Bhagavan (1.1 MB)

    Only a part of these records of mine seems to be available to the Asramam authorities for publication just now. I am glad that at least so much is to be published by them immediately. I believe they came into existence because Bhagavan willed it and I believe it is his will that at least a part of them should now appear in print. -- author

    Devotees: Surpassing Love and Grace (690 KB)

    In the following pages they speak of him in awed tones and with overwhelming sensitivity and love. The reader is invited to participate in this spiritual feast. -- V.S.Ramanan, Foreword

    Ganapati Muni: Epistles of Light (306 KB)

    During a period in 1931, while residing at Anandasrama, Sirsi (North Kanara, Central Karnataka), Nayana wrote weekly letters to Bhagavan Sri Ramana in Tiruvannamalai. These letters were submitted to Sri Bhagavan and replies were sent. Bhagavan would peruse the Muni’s letters carefully, though He Himself did not take part in replying except in rare instances where His views and advice in spiritual problems were sought. -- publisher

    Glen Friesen: Hindu and non-Hindu Interpretations of a Jivanmukta (1.1 MB)

    But there are many interpretations of Rama„Éa¡¦s teaching, and of the nature of Rama„Éa¡¦s enlightenment experience itself. In this work, I will examine some of the interpretations of Rama„Éa. I will look at how Rama„Éa explains his own experience, and how he has been interpreted by both Hindus and by non-Hindus. -- author

    Humphreys, Frank H: Glimpses of Life and Teachings (76 KB)

    Humphreys’ narration of his experiences with Sri Bhagavan is so simple and arresting that the readers find in it an excellent presentation of Bhagavan’s teachings. -- publishers

    James, Michael: Happiness and the Art of Being (1.3 MB)

    A layman's introduction to the philosophy and practice of the spiritual teachings of Bhagavan Sri Ramana

    Krishna Bhikshu: Sri Ramana Leela (719 KB)

    SRI Ramana Leela in Telugu was one of the three biographies of Sri Ramana Maharshi published during Sri Bhagavan’s physical presence at Sri Ramanasramam. The other two biographies were Self Realisation (English) and Sri Ramana Vijayam (Tamil). The Telugu book was authoured by Sri Kirshna Bhikshu (1904 - 1981), whose original name was Oruganti Venkata Krishnayya. -- publishers

    Mahadevan, TMP: Bhagavan Ramana (121 KB)

    THE present essay was originally written for a book on The Saints; and it appears as General Introduction in a work on Bhagavan entitled Ramana Maharshi and His Philosophy of Existence. As it is felt that this essay may be of interest to the general readers, it is being issued separately also in the form of a booklet. -- author

    Osborne, Arthur: Be Still It Is The Wind That Sings (1.2 MB)

    This is the second collection of articles, mainly gleaned from the earlier editions of The Mountain Path when he founded it...and initially, before getting world-wide contributions, he also wrote many of the articles himself under various pseudonyms. -- Kitty Osborne, Foreword

    Osborne, Arthur: Ramana Maharshi and the Path of Self-Knowledge (1.6 MB)

    An account of the life and teachings of Ramana Maharshi.

    Osborne, Arthur: Teachings in His Own Words (498 KB)

    Perhaps something should be said about the Maharshi’s way of answering questions. There was nothing heavy or pontifical about it. He spoke freely and his replies were often given with laughter and humour. If the questioner was not satisfied, he was free to object or ask further questions. -- author

    Ramanananda Swarnagiri: Crumbs from His Table (179 KB)

    On the insistence of several devotees we have great pleasure in now reprinting this precious gem of a book which has been out of print for over twenty years. Sri Bhagavan used to like this book and often asked some devotees to read it. -- publishers

    Ramanasramam: Golden Jubilee Souvenir (1.2 MB)

    In commemoration of that day, the 1st of September, 1896, on which young Venkataramana reached Arunachala, and in devout and humble recognition of his fifty years of transcendental life, is published this GOLDEN JUBILEE SOUVENIR, being a chorus of tribute from some of his devotees, far and near. -- publishers

    Ramanasramam: Ramana Smrti (Birth Centenary Offering - 1980) (511 KB)

    Sundaresa Iyer, TK: At the Feet of Bhagavan (285 KB)

    By odd circumstances the manuscript of this book, which was so well edited by no less a scholar-devotee than Mr. Duncan Greenlees, as far back as December 1962, was lost in the Ashram archives. It was brought to light recently, thanks to Sri Jim Grant and Sri David Godman, who are doing yeoman service by classifying the Ashram archives and rearranging the whole Ashram Library. -- publishers
    Other Gurus
    Dravida Saints: Divine Wisdom (A.Govindacharya) (20.9 MB)

    To give the world a few gems out of this Treasury of Divine Love, in an English dress, is the object of the present work. -- author

    J.Krishnamurti: Biography and Book Excerpts (online)

    Ramanuja: The Life of Bhagavad Sri Ramanuja (552 KB)

    Ramanuja is regarded as the greatest theologian of the Srivaishnava Lineage (Sampradaya) which is one of the two theistic Schools of Vedanta following the philosophy of Visishtaadvaita — the other being the Dvaita system. -- author

    Shriram Sharma: My Life--Its Legacy and Message (447 KB)

    The Gayatri Parivar Mission is trying to publish this great work of
    Gurudev (Hamari Vasiyat Harmari Virasat) in as many languages of India
    and the world as possible. -- Pranav Pandya, Foreword

    Sixty-three Nayanar Saints (Sivananda) (360 KB)

    The first edition of this rare treatise on Sixty-three Nayanar Saints from the prolific pen of the Himalayan Sage and Savant, Sri Swami Sivananda, was published by the Divine Life Society of South Africa in 1962. The invaluable services rendered by Sri Swami Ramananda of Sivanandashram, Rishikesh, in the preparation of the manuscript was duly acknowledged. -- publishers

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    My Personal Hindu Library </h5>

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    <div style="margin-left:20px; margin-right:20px; font-weight:normal;">
    <em class="highlight">
    Guru and Guru Parampara </em> &nbsp: (&clubs; indicates a booklet)<br />
    <a class="online" href="#about">About</a> |
    <a class="online" href="#Sankara">Adi Sankaracharya</a> |
    <a class="online" href="#DLSGurus">DLS Gurus</a> |
    <a class="online" href="#Kanchi">Kanchi Kamakoti Peetam</a> |
    <a class="online" href="#Kauai">Kauai's Hindu Monastery</a> |
    <a class="online" href="#Yogananda">Yogananda & his Gurus</a> |
    <a class="online" href="#RKMaTham">Ramakrishna MaTham</a> |
    <a class="online" href="#Ramanasramam">Ramanasramam</a> |
    <a class="online" href="#other">Other Gurus</a>

    <br /><br />
    <!-- About -->
    <a name="about"></a>
    <em class="green"> About </em><br />
    <a class="text" href="gurutattva.pdf" target="_BLANK">Guru Tattva (Sivaananda)</a>
    <a class="online" href="" target="_BLANK">download</a> (200 KB)<br />

    In spite of much that has been written on the concept of a spiritual Guru, there is still a good deal of confusion, misunderstanding, and skepticism in the public mind on this vital matter.
    <br /><br />
    Is a Guru absolutely necessary? Who is a Satguru? How far can he help his Chela (disciple)? What are the duties of a disciple? What is the meaning of Initiation? Want of clear-cut and definite answers to these and related questions often impedes the spiritual progress of earnest aspirants.
    <br /><br />
    Under the circumstances, the present book by Satguru Sivanandaji Maharaj should come as a boon to many. Within its pages, the reader will find an authoritative, succinct and bold elucidation of the entire subject of Guru-disciple relationship. -- publishers

    <br /><br /><a class="text" href="gurukripa.pdf" target="_BLANK">Sure Ways to Guru Kripa (Chidananda)</a> &clubs;
    <a class="online" href="" target="_BLANK">download</a> (72 KB)<br />

    We have been told by our scriptures that guru kripa is a wonderful, mysterious factor that will enable the aspirants to seek and to attain the summum bonum of life, Self-realisation, darshan of God, or moksha. Whether the disciple does sadhana or not, whether one is deserving or undeserving, guru kripa sets aside all normal laws that operate in the spiritual plane and takes one to transcendental bliss. If we are to believe the scriptures, we should say that there is nothing except guru kripa needed for us to attain perfection in life. -- author

    <!-- Adi Sankaracharya -->
    <a name="Sankara"></a>
    <br /><br /><em class="green"> Adi Sankara </em><br />
    <a class="online" href="" target="_BLANK">Adi Sankaracharya: Sivananda (online)</a> &clubs;

    Swami Sivananda on the life and philosophy of Adi Sankaracharya.

    <br /><br /><a class="text" href="ShankaraBiography.pdf" target="_BLANK">Adi Sankaracharya: Biography</a>
    <a class="online" href="" target="_BLANK">download</a> (413 KB)<br />

    A compilation by "harshanand_16" of the Advaitin Yahoo Groups.

    <br /><br /><a class="text" href="original sankaracarya.pdf" target="_BLANK">The Original Sankaracharya (Age of)(David Reigle)</a>
    <a class="online" href="" target="_BLANK">download</a> (488 KB)<br />

    Sankara's date from a Theosophical point of view.

    <br /><br /><a class="text" href="age of sankara 1.pdf" target="_BLANK">Age of Sankara (TS Narayana Sastry)</a>
    <a class="text" href="age of sankara 2.pdf" target="_BLANK"> 2 </a>
    <a class="text" href="age of sankara 3.pdf" target="_BLANK"> 3 </a>
    <a class="text" href="age of sankara 4.pdf" target="_BLANK"> 4 </a>
    <a class="text" href="age of sankara 5.pdf" target="_BLANK"> 5 </a>
    <a class="text" href="age of sankara 6.pdf" target="_BLANK"> 6 </a>
    <a class="text" href="age of sankara 7.pdf" target="_BLANK"> 7 </a>
    <a class="text" href="age of sankara 8.pdf" target="_BLANK"> 8 </a>
    <a class="text" href="age of sankara 9.pdf" target="_BLANK"> 9 </a>
    <a class="text" href="age of sankara 10.pdf" target="_BLANK"> 10 </a><br />

    <a class="online" href="" target="_BLANK">download pp i-xiii, 1-11</a> (744 KB)
    <a class="online" href="" target="_BLANK">download pp 12-31</a> (604 KB)
    <a class="online" href="" target="_BLANK">download pp 32-51</a> (620 KB)
    <a class="online" href="" target="_BLANK">download pp 52-71</a> (592 KB)
    <a class="online" href="" target="_BLANK">download pp 72-91</a> (604 KB)
    <a class="online" href="" target="_BLANK">download pp 92-111</a> (588 KB)
    <a class="online" href="" target="_BLANK">download pp 112-131</a> (568 KB)
    <a class="online" href="" target="_BLANK">download pp 132-151</a> (572 KB)
    <a class="online" href="" target="_BLANK">download pp 152-171</a> (556 KB)
    <a class="online" href="" target="_BLANK">download pp 172-184</a> (316 KB)<br /><br />

    The Age of Sankara, by T. S. Narayana Sastry, 1971 (reprint of 1916 original, where the name was spelled: Narayana Sastri). The author establishes that the Adi Sankara was born on 509 BCE and that the date 788 CE commonly attributed to him is actually the date of birth of Abhinava Sankara who adorned Kamakoti Peetam at Kanchi as the 38th successor of Adi Sankara.

    <br /><br /><a class="text" href="Tenzin_Kencho_200612_ma.pdf" target="_BLANK">Shankara: Hindu Revivalist or Buddhist?(Kencho Tenzin)</a>
    <a class="online" href="" target="_BLANK">download</a> (462 KB)<br />

    Shankara, the great Indian thinker, was known as the accurate expounder of the Upanishads. He is seen as a towering figure in the history of Indian philosophy and is credited with restoring the teachings of the Vedas to their pristine form. However, there are others who do not see such contributions from Shankara. They criticize his philosophy by calling it "crypto-Buddhism." It is his unique philosophy of Advaita Vedanta that puts him at odds with other Hindu orthodox schools. Ironically, he is also criticized by Buddhists as a "born enemy of Buddhism" due to his relentless attacks on their tradition. This thesis, therefore, probes the question of how Shankara should best be regarded, "a Hindu Revivalist or a Crypto-Buddhist?" -- author

    <!-- DLS Gurus -->
    <a name="DLSGurus"></a>
    <br /><br /><em class="green"> Divine Life Society: Sivananda and Others </em><br />
    <a class="text" href="allsiva.pdf" target="_BLANK">All About Sivananda (Venkatesananda)</a>
    <a class="online" href="" target="_BLANK">download</a> (357 KB)<br />

    "All About Sivananda" is a kind of all-round meditation on the various phases of the personality and message of the great saint and sage, His Holiness Sri Swami Sivanadaji Maharaj, as visualised by the author, Swami Venkatesananda, who was a direct disciple of the Master. This is a veritable pen-picture of the many sides which the majestic hero of this book touched in his personal life and teachings. -- publishers

    <br /><br /><a class="text" href="autobio-sivananda.pdf" target="_BLANK">Autobiography of Swami Sivananda</a>
    <a class="online" href="" target="_BLANK">download</a> (396 KB)<br />

    A saint’s life is the ideal for all to emulate, a pattern for everyone who would make his own life sublime. It is an open book from which to learn the lessons of divine life. However much one tries to gain knowledge of spiritual truths from scriptures and texts, it is not until one actually sees someone in whom those truths shine exemplified that one is ready, willing and eager to realise those truths in actual daily life. That is the purpose that this inspiring book serves. -- publishers

    <br /><br /><a class="text" href="greatguru.pdf" target="_BLANK">A Great Guru and His Ideal Disciple (on Sivananda)</a>&clubs;
    <a class="online" href="" target="_BLANK">download</a> (173 KB)<br />

    This booklet is a silent tribute to the sacred memory of late H. H. Swami Pranavanandaji; brought out on the 7th year of his having entered into Eternal Rest in 1982 March. -- publishers

    <br /><br /><a class="text" href="gurudevaki.pdf" target="_BLANK">Gurudev and Dr.Devaki Kutty Mataji (on Sivananda)</a>&clubs;
    <a class="online" href="" target="_BLANK">download</a> (242 KB)<br />

    A Love-Offering From Matri Satsang on the Occasion of the Amrit Mahotsava in October, 1998 of Dear and Revered Dr. Devaki Kutty Mataji. -- publishers

    <br /><br /><a class="text" href="i-live-to-serve.pdf" target="_BLANK">I Live to Serve (last days of Sivananda)</a>&clubs;
    <a class="online" href="" target="_BLANK">download</a> (847 KB)<br />

    ... we present in the following pages a more detailed account of the touching incidents which filled the Master’s life during the period immediately preceding his Mahasamadhi. Through a critical portrayal of these incidents, the author, an inmate of the Ashram, has vividly brought out many of the characteristic traits in Gurudev’s personality which captured the heart of his wide circle of devotees. -- publishers

    <br /><br /><a class="text" href="wisdom.pdf" target="_BLANK">A Messenger of Peace and Wisdom (about Krishnananda)</a>
    <a class="online" href="" target="_BLANK">download</a> (777 KB)<br />

    ... with joy and satisfaction that we are releasing this Commemoration Volume on this auspicious occasion of the Amrita Mahotsava of revered Sri Swami Krishnanandaji Maharaj, ... -- publishers

    <br /><br /><a class="text" href="messenger.pdf" target="_BLANK">A Messenger of Peace and Wisdom (on Krishnananda)</a>&clubs;
    <a class="online" href="" target="_BLANK">download</a> (356 KB)<br />

    We wish to express our gratitude to the numerous contributors for their feelingful write-ups which portray in different colours, the multifaceted resplendent personality of the Swamiji; and the value of the Souvenir is enhanced by the Swamiji’s own scintillating articles and poems. -- publishers

    <br /><br /><a class="text" href="miracles.pdf" target="_BLANK">Miracles of Sivananda</a>
    <a class="online" href="" target="_BLANK">download</a> (269 KB)<br />

    In the miracles of Swami Sivanandaji Maharaj recorded in this volume, the reader will not fail to notice that they have invariably brought about an inner spiritual transformation in the devotees concerned. This is the greatest miracle of Swami Sivanandaji Maharaj. The devotee’s disease is cured or life saved; the devotee’s faith is at once increased; and at the very same moment, there is an inner transformation, a purification of the heart, an intensification of aspiration to realise God. -- publishers

    <br /><br /><a class="text" href="Krishnananda-mylife.pdf" target="_BLANK">My Life: Autobiography of Swami Krishnananda</a>
    <a class="online" href="" target="_BLANK">download</a> (475 KB)<br />

    Swamiji felt that he should write something about his early days of such struggle and suffering. It would read like a meandering story in different phases, which would be sometimes humorous, tragic, and successful. It is here for what it is, and all should be considered as well. -- publishers

    <br /><br /><a class="text" href="monk.pdf" target="_BLANK">This Monk from India (Yvonne Lebeau)</a>
    <a class="online" href="" target="_BLANK">download</a> (320 KB)<br />

    This book by Yvonne LeBeau, a spiritual seeker from France, is in the nature of a tribute to her Guru or spiritual mentor, Sri Swami Chidanandaji Maharaj. An interesting aspect of the book is the light it throws on the encounter between the occidental mind and oriental philosophy. Another aspect of the book—and an equally significant one—is the insight it gives into the various struggles which every spiritual seeker has to undergo in traversing the path of Yoga or conscious spiritual evolution. -- publishers

    <br /><br /><a class="text" href="samarpan.pdf" target="_BLANK">Samarpan</a>
    <a class="online" href="" target="_BLANK">download</a> (292 KB)<br />

    This memorable volume "SAMARPAN" has been published by GUJARAT DIVYA JIVAN SANGH on the auspicious occasion of THE GOLDEN JUBLIEE CELEBRATION (50th Birth Anniversary) of SRI SWAMI ADHYATMANANDA SARASWATI of the Divine Life Society, H. Q. Sivananda Ashram, Rishikesh. -- publishers

    <br /><br /><a class="online" href="" target="_BLANK">Sivananda and His Mission (Krishnananda)(online)</a><br />

    During Sadhana Week 1985, Sri Swami Krishnanandaji Maharaj delivered a series of six lectures entitled Sri Swami Sivananda and His Mission. These lectures were given as an outpouring of the entirety of being and transport the reader to the early days in the journey of Holy Master Sri Swami Sivanandaji Maharaj - the struggles, trials and tribulations which were the foundation of what is The Divine Life Society. Here is a potent account that will give the heart a glimpse into the journey of a great saint and master of our times. --

    <br /><br /><a class="text" href="modernsage.pdf" target="_BLANK">Swami Sivananda--A Modern Sage</a>&clubs;
    <a class="online" href="" target="_BLANK">download</a> (98 KB)<br />

    A DLS publication of a brief biography of the sage.

    <br /><br /><a class="text" href="reminiscences.pdf" target="_BLANK">Some Reminiscences (Devananda)</a>&clubs;
    <a class="online" href="" target="_BLANK">download</a> (83 KB)<br />

    I feel, it is quite fitting time to remember our holy Master Sadguru Dev during this happy occasion of Diamond Jubilee Anniversary celebrations to express my deep felt gratitude, reverence and devotion to Gurudev in a humble way. -- author

    <br /><br /><a class="text" href="chida80.pdf" target="_BLANK">Thy Will be Done (on Swami Chidananda)</a>&clubs;
    <a class="online" href="" target="_BLANK">download</a> (274 KB)<br />

    ... we are bringing out a unique Souvenir depicting 80 episodes of Swamiji.s holy sojourn on this planet. We are hopeful of devotees treasuring this photo-album where his characteristic poses bring to our imagination Swamiji.s lovable personality. -- publishers

    <a name="Kanchi"></a>
    <br /><br /><em class="green"> Kanchi Kamakoti PiTham </em><br />
    <a class="text" href="SriMahaSwamyCharitram__2__1_edit.pdf" target="_BLANK">Pujya Sri Mahaswamy Divya Charitram (Sambamoorthi)</a>
    <a class="online" href="" target="_BLANK">download</a> (688 KB)<br />

    A chronicle of Paramacharya's life and early yAtras.

    <a name="Kauai"></a>
    <br /><br /><em class="green"> Kauai's Hindu Monastery </em><br />
    <a class="online" href="" target="_BLANK">Yogaswami: Testament of Truth (HA)(online)</a><br />

    A Study of the Life and Teachings of Yogaswami -- HA

    <br /><br /><a class="online" href="" target="_BLANK">Yogaswami: Words of Our Master (HA)(online)</a><br />

    Yoga Swamigal was fluent in Tamil as well as English. What he said to Sandaswami was in English, and the sayings recorded by him are given verbatim in that language. His talks with the three other disciples mentioned here were in English or Tamil. Those in English are quoted direct and indicated (E) while those in Tamil are rendered into English. -- HA

    <a name="Yogananda"></a>
    <br /><br /><em class="green"> Paramahansa Yogananda and His Gurus </em><br />
    <a class="text" href="Yogananda-AutobiographyOfAYogi-ayogi.pdf" target="_BLANK">Autobiography of a Yogi</a>
    <a class="text" href="Yogananda_Autobiography_1946_edition.pdf" target="_BLANK"> 1946 edn </a>
    <a class="text" href="BookAutobiography of a Yogi - Hindupedia.htm" target="_BLANK">(html)</a><br />

    <a class="online" href="" target="_BLANK">download</a> (676 KB)
    <a class="online" href="" target="_BLANK">download 1946 edn.</a> (2.8 MB)
    <a class="online" href="" target="_BLANK">download (html) </a> (1.6 MB)<br />

    The value of Yogananda's AUTOBIOGRAPHYis greatly enhanced by the fact that it is one of the few books in English about the wise men of India which has been written, not by a journalist or foreigner, but by one of their own race and training—in short, a book ABOUT yogis BY a yogi. -- W. Y. EVANS-WENTZ, OUP Preface

    <br /><br /><a class="online" href="" target="_BLANK">Paramahansa Swami Yogananda: Life-Portrait and Reminiscences (SB Dasgupta)(online)</a><br />

    A personal account of the master by the disciple. (in Yoga Niketan Library: main.htm)

    <br /><br /><a class="online" href="" target="_BLANK">Shyama Charan Lahiri Mahasay (Satyananda Giri)</a><br />

    (in Yoga Niketan Library: Biographies)

    <br /><br /><a class="online" href="" target="_BLANK">Swami Kebalananda: A Short Biography</a><br />

    (in Yoga Niketan Library: Biographies)

    <br /><br /><a class="online" href="" target="_BLANK">Swami Yukteshvar Giri: A Biography</a><br />

    (in Yoga Niketan Library: Biographies)

    <br /><br /><a class="online" href="" target="_BLANK">Yogananda Sanga (Satyananda Giri)</a><br />

    (in Yoga Niketan Library: Biographies)

    <a name="RKMaTham"></a>
    <br /><br /><em class="green"> Ramakrishna MaTham </em><br />
    <em class="green"> Ramakrishna </em><br />
    <a class="text" href="Gospel.pdf" target="_BLANK">The Gospel of Sri Ramakrishna (abridged)</a>&clubs;
    <a class="online" href="" target="_BLANK">download</a> (83 KB)<br />

    <a class="text" href="Gospel-Sri Ramakrishna.pdf" target="_BLANK">The Gospel of Sri Ramakrishna (complete)</a>
    <a class="online" href="" target="_BLANK">download</a> (5.0 MB)<br />

    <br /><a class="online" href="" target="_BLANK">Sri Ramakrishna Kathamrita (online)</a><br />

    <a class="text" href="Teachings of ramakrishna.pdf" target="_BLANK">The Sayings of Ramakrishna (Max Muller)</a>
    <a class="online" href="" target="_BLANK">download</a> (317 KB)<br />

    <br /><em class="green"> Vivekananda </em><br />
    <a class="text" href="Vivekananda on Ramakrishina.pdf" target="_BLANK">Vivekananda on Ramakrishna</a>
    <a class="online" href="" target="_BLANK">download</a> (237 KB)<br />

    <a class="text" href="Vivekananda Biography.pdf" target="_BLANK">Vivekananda: A Biography (Nikhilananda)</a>
    <a class="online" href="" target="_BLANK">download</a> (621 KB)<br />

    <a name="Ramanasramam"></a>
    <br /><em class="green"> Arunachala </em><br />
    <a class="text" href="Glory of Arunachala.pdf" target="_BLANK">The Glory of Arunachala (Ramanananda Saraswati, Tr.MC.Subramanian)</a>
    <a class="online" href="" target="_BLANK">download</a> (569 KB)<br />

    The Tamil translation of Arunachala Mahatmyam (Sanskrit) done by Sri Munagala S. Venkataramiah (later Sri Ramanananda Saraswati, compiler of Talks with Sri Ramana Maharshi) is already published by Sri Ramanasramam. The English translation of this by Sri M. C. Subramanian was serialised in The Mountain Path. -- publishers

    <br /><br /><a class="text" href="ocean_of_grace_divine.pdf" target="_BLANK">Ramana's Arunachala: Devotees</a>
    <a class="online" href="" target="_BLANK">download</a> (956 KB)<br />

    A work of this kind is not a record of facts and details. What this book records are the experiences of devotees, sages and saints who have felt Arunachala in the hill, Arunachala in the temple and Arunachala in Ramana. -- V.S.Ramanan (in Foreword)

    <br /><br /><em class="green"> Ramana Maharshi </em><br />
    <a class="text" href="maharshi_and_message.pdf" target="_BLANK">Brunton, Paul: Maharshi and His Message</a>
    <a class="online" href="" target="_BLANK">download</a> (286 KB)<br />
    In the presence of this Sage one felt security and inward peace. The spiritual radiations which emanated from him were allpenetrating. I learnt to recognise in his person the sublime truths which he taught, while I was no less hushed into reverence by his incredibly sainted atmosphere. He possessed a deific personality which defies description. -- author

    <br /><br /><a class="text" href="A_Sadhu's_Reminiscences.pdf" target="_BLANK">Chadwick, AW: A Sadhu's Reminiscences</a>
    <a class="online" href="" target="_BLANK">download</a> (269 KB)<br />

    Sadhu Arunachala of Sri Ramanasramam, Tiruvannamalai, is a good example of perfect devotion to our Guru, Bhagavan Sri Ramana Maharshi. Some twentyfive years ago the name and fame of Bhagavan Sri Ramana dragged him from England to India, and having come to Bhagavan’s Supreme Abode he never returned. -- T.K.Sundaresa Iyer, Introduction

    <br /><br /><a class="text" href="guru_ramana.pdf" target="_BLANK">Cohen, SS: Guru Ramana</a>
    <a class="online" href="" target="_BLANK">download</a> (470 KB)<br />

    This book, as its sub-title indicates, contains some of my reminiscences as well as the notes which I took down at odd times during my long residence in Ramanashram. -- author

    <br /><br /><a class="text" href="reflections.pdf" target="_BLANK">Cohen, SS: Reflections on Talks</a>
    <a class="online" href="" target="_BLANK">download</a> (456 KB)<br />

    To write a commentary on Sri Ramana Bhagavan’s words, which are deemed to be lucidity itself, may seem to be a superfluous labour; yet there are thousands of studious seekers who have not had the privilege of hearing the teaching direct from the Master’s lips, who would feel benefited and, indeed, happy to receive an exposition of it from those who have. For the sake of these I have culled from the compendious work, now the well-reputed Talks with Sri Ramana Maharshi, such gems and in such numbers as in my humble opinion can fairly and comprehensively represent the teaching... -- author

    <br /><br /><a class="text" href="day by day.pdf" target="_BLANK">Devaraja Mudaliar, A: Day by Day with Bhagavan</a>
    <a class="online" href="" target="_BLANK">download</a> (1.1 MB)<br />

    Only a part of these records of mine seems to be available to the Asramam authorities for publication just now. I am glad that at least so much is to be published by them immediately. I believe they came into existence because Bhagavan willed it and I believe it is his will that at least a part of them should now appear in print. -- author

    <br /><br /><a class="text" href="Surpassing Love and Grace.pdf" target="_BLANK">Devotees: Surpassing Love and Grace</a>
    <a class="online" href="" target="_BLANK">download</a> (690 KB)<br />

    In the following pages they speak of him in awed tones and with overwhelming sensitivity and love. The reader is invited to participate in this spiritual feast. -- V.S.Ramanan, Foreword

    <br /><br /><a class="text" href="epistles of light.pdf" target="_BLANK">Ganapati Muni: Epistles of Light</a>
    <a class="online" href="" target="_BLANK">download</a> (306 KB)<br />

    During a period in 1931, while residing at Anandasrama, Sirsi (North Kanara, Central Karnataka), Nayana wrote weekly letters to Bhagavan Sri Ramana in Tiruvannamalai. These letters were submitted to Sri Bhagavan and replies were sent. Bhagavan would peruse the Muni’s letters carefully, though He Himself did not take part in replying except in rare instances where His views and advice in spiritual problems were sought. -- publisher

    <br /><br /><a class="text" href="jivanmukti.pdf" target="_BLANK">Glen Friesen: Hindu and non-Hindu Interpretations of a Jivanmukta</a>
    <a class="online" href="" target="_BLANK">download</a> (1.1 MB)<br />

    But there are many interpretations of Rama„Éa¡¦s teaching, and of the nature of Rama„Éa¡¦s enlightenment experience itself. In this work, I will examine some of the interpretations of Rama„Éa. I will look at how Rama„Éa explains his own experience, and how he has been interpreted by both Hindus and by non-Hindus. -- author

    <br /><br /><a class="text" href="glimpsesRamana.pdf" target="_BLANK">Humphreys, Frank H: Glimpses of Life and Teachings</a>&clubs;
    <a class="online" href="" target="_BLANK">download</a> (76 KB)<br />

    Humphreys’ narration of his experiences with Sri Bhagavan is so simple and arresting that the readers find in it an excellent presentation of Bhagavan’s teachings. -- publishers

    <br /><br /><a class="text" href="Happiness_and_the_Art_of_Being.pdf" target="_BLANK">James, Michael: Happiness and the Art of Being</a>
    <a class="online" href="" target="_BLANK">download</a> (1.3 MB)<br />

    A layman's introduction to the philosophy and practice of the spiritual teachings of Bhagavan Sri Ramana

    <br /><br /><a class="text" href="Ramana Leela.pdf" target="_BLANK">Krishna Bhikshu: Sri Ramana Leela</a>
    <a class="online" href="" target="_BLANK">download</a> (719 KB)<br />

    SRI Ramana Leela in Telugu was one of the three biographies of Sri Ramana Maharshi published during Sri Bhagavan’s physical presence at Sri Ramanasramam. The other two biographies were Self Realisation (English) and Sri Ramana Vijayam (Tamil). The Telugu book was authoured by Sri Kirshna Bhikshu (1904 - 1981), whose original name was Oruganti Venkata Krishnayya. -- publishers

    <br /><br /><a class="text" href="bhagavan_ramana.pdf" target="_BLANK">Mahadevan, TMP: Bhagavan Ramana</a>&clubs;
    <a class="online" href="" target="_BLANK">download</a> (121 KB)<br />

    THE present essay was originally written for a book on The Saints; and it appears as General Introduction in a work on Bhagavan entitled Ramana Maharshi and His Philosophy of Existence. As it is felt that this essay may be of interest to the general readers, it is being issued separately also in the form of a booklet. -- author

    <br /><br /><a class="text" href="be-siitwts.pdf" target="_BLANK">Osborne, Arthur: Be Still It Is The Wind That Sings</a>
    <a class="online" href="" target="_BLANK">download</a> (1.2 MB)<br />

    This is the second collection of articles, mainly gleaned from the earlier editions of The Mountain Path when he founded it...and initially, before getting world-wide contributions, he also wrote many of the articles himself under various pseudonyms. -- Kitty Osborne, Foreword

    <br /><br /><a class="text" href="path_of_self_knowledge.pdf" target="_BLANK">Osborne, Arthur: Ramana Maharshi and the Path of Self-Knowledge</a>
    <a class="online" href="" target="_BLANK">download</a> (1.6 MB)<br />

    An account of the life and teachings of Ramana Maharshi.

    <br /><br /><a class="text" href="Teachings of Ramana Maharshi in His Own Words.pdf" target="_BLANK">Osborne, Arthur: Teachings in His Own Words</a>
    <a class="online" href="" target="_BLANK">download</a> (498 KB)<br />

    Perhaps something should be said about the Maharshi’s way of answering questions. There was nothing heavy or pontifical about it. He spoke freely and his replies were often given with laughter and humour. If the questioner was not satisfied, he was free to object or ask further questions. -- author

    <br /><br /><a class="text" href="crumbs from his table.pdf" target="_BLANK">Ramanananda Swarnagiri: Crumbs from His Table</a>
    <a class="online" href="" target="_BLANK">download</a> (179 KB)<br />

    On the insistence of several devotees we have great pleasure in now reprinting this precious gem of a book which has been out of print for over twenty years. Sri Bhagavan used to like this book and often asked some devotees to read it. -- publishers

    <br /><br /><a class="text" href="golden_jubilee_souvenir.pdf" target="_BLANK">Ramanasramam: Golden Jubilee Souvenir</a>
    <a class="online" href="" target="_BLANK">download</a> (1.2 MB)<br />

    In commemoration of that day, the 1st of September, 1896, on which young Venkataramana reached Arunachala, and in devout and humble recognition of his fifty years of transcendental life, is published this GOLDEN JUBILEE SOUVENIR, being a chorus of tribute from some of his devotees, far and near. -- publishers

    <br /><br /><a class="text" href="Ramana_Smrti.pdf" target="_BLANK">Ramanasramam: Ramana Smrti (Birth Centenary Offering - 1980)</a>
    <a class="online" href="" target="_BLANK">download</a> (511 KB)<br />

    <br /><a class="text" href="At the Feet of Bhagavan.pdf" target="_BLANK">Sundaresa Iyer, TK: At the Feet of Bhagavan</a>
    <a class="online" href="" target="_BLANK">download</a> (285 KB)<br />

    By odd circumstances the manuscript of this book, which was so well edited by no less a scholar-devotee than Mr. Duncan Greenlees, as far back as December 1962, was lost in the Ashram archives. It was brought to light recently, thanks to Sri Jim Grant and Sri David Godman, who are doing yeoman service by classifying the Ashram archives and rearranging the whole Ashram Library. -- publishers

    <a name="other"></a>
    <br /><br /><em class="green"> Other Gurus </em><br />
    <a class="text" href="divinewisdomofdr00goviiala.pdf" target="_BLANK">Dravida Saints: Divine Wisdom (A.Govindacharya)</a>
    <a class="online" href="" target="_BLANK">download</a> (20.9 MB)<br />

    To give the world a few gems out of this Treasury of Divine Love, in an English dress, is the object of the present work. -- author

    <br /><br /><a class="online" href="" target="_BLANK">J.Krishnamurti: Biography and Book Excerpts (online)</a><br />

    <br /><a class="text" href="lifeoframanuja.pdf" target="_BLANK">Ramanuja: The Life of Bhagavad Sri Ramanuja</a>
    <a class="online" href="" target="_BLANK">download</a> (552 KB)<br />

    Ramanuja is regarded as the greatest theologian of the Srivaishnava Lineage (Sampradaya) which is one of the two theistic Schools of Vedanta following the philosophy of Visishtaadvaita — the other being the Dvaita system. -- author

    <br /><br /><a class="text" href="mylife.pdf" target="_BLANK">Shriram Sharma: My Life--Its Legacy and Message</a>
    <a class="online" href="" target="_BLANK">download</a> (447 KB)<br />

    The <i>Gayatri Parivar Mission</i> is trying to publish this great work of
    <i>Gurudev (Hamari Vasiyat Harmari Virasat)</i> in as many languages of India
    and the world as possible. -- Pranav Pandya, Foreword

    <br /><br /><a class="text" href="nayanar.pdf" target="_BLANK">Sixty-three Nayanar Saints (Sivananda)</a>
    <a class="online" href="" target="_BLANK">at</a>
    <a class="online" href="" target="_BLANK">download</a> (360 KB)<br />

    The first edition of this rare treatise on Sixty-three Nayanar Saints from the prolific pen of the Himalayan Sage and Savant, Sri Swami Sivananda, was published by the Divine Life Society of South Africa in 1962. The invaluable services rendered by Sri Swami Ramananda of Sivanandashram, Rishikesh, in the preparation of the manuscript was duly acknowledged. -- publishers


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    Re: A Personal Hindu Library

    mAnuSa kosha (Human Vestures)
    Astonishing Functions of Human Brain and Miracles of Mind (awgp) (342 KB)

    Topics discussed include: Human Being – Arcane Masterpiece Of Supreme Creation -- Orgulous Potentials Hidden In The Human Body -- Likelihood Of Talents In A Single Child -- The Magic Of Human Brain -- Growth Of Intellect With Aging -- Human Mind – Source Of Eternal Bliss

    Sleep, Dreams and Spiritual Reflections (awgp) (1.0 MB)

    A detailed description of the history and trends in the oriental and occidental philosophy and science of dreams is presented here. The myths and facts about acquisition of extra sensory knowledge, precognition, and psychological depths of the unconscious mind and the unknown subtle world of the inner self through dreams are elucidated here. Thorough reviews of Freud’s, Jung’s and contemporary psychological theories vis-à-vis the relevant aspects of the ancient science of spirituality are discussed under broad perspectives. -- publishers

    The Extrasensory Potentials of Mind (awgp) (435 KB)

    The present book has brought in-depth details on the myths and realities of the extrasensory perceptions, supramental talents and supernormal experiences. It is compiled from the translation of the Chapter 6 of the Volume 18 of ‘Pt. Shriram Sharma Acharya Vangmaya’ series. -- publishers

    In the Theater of Dreams (Donald J. Degracia) (316 KB)

    A hardcore scientific speculation on dreams.

    Mind--Its Mysteries and Control (Sivananda) (709 KB)

    To everyone striving for success in life, the invariable stumbling block proves to be the turbulent vagaries of the mind. An undisciplined mind makes a man slave and wrecks his life. Controlling and subduing it is the most vexing of problems to the earnest seeker of happiness. The vital importance of the subject, therefore, prompted H.H. Sri Swami Sivanandaji Maharaj to write this comprehensive work... -- publishers

    Philosophy of Dreams (Sivananda) (149 KB)

    And now we have from his divine pen his inspiring and enlightened thoughts on one of the most interesting phenomena viz., dreams. He has viewed dreams from several angles and thrown such a flood of light on it as to expose not only its unreality, but also the unreality of the waking state. Thus the sage leads us to the Supreme Reality that alone exists. -- publishers

    The Riddle of Consciousness (Gopi Krishna) (169 KB)

    A book in verse form. Were this book to be taken from a time capsule and read a hundred years from now, what would the scientists and people say about it then? This question is appropriate because, in the truest sense, The Riddle of Consciousness is a book of revelation, and as such it calls for the judgment of time. -- Editor

    Thought Power (Sivananda) (255 KB)

    The value of this great little work is evident even from a mere reading of its table of contents. It is a book of perennial interest and many-sided usefulness for self-culture, selfknowledge, acquisition of the power of personality and success in life. -- publishers

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    Re: A Personal Hindu Library

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    My Personal Hindu Library </h5>

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    <div style="margin-left:20px; margin-right:20px; font-weight:normal;">
    <em class="highlight"> mAnuSa kosha (Human Vestures) </em> &nbsp: (&clubs; indicates a booklet)<br />
    <em class="green"> Mind </em><br />
    <a class="text" href="astonishing_human_brain.pdf" target="_BLANK">Astonishing Functions of Human Brain and Miracles of Mind (awgp)</a>
    <a class="online" href="" target="_BLANK">download</a> (342 KB)<br />

    Topics discussed include: Human Being – Arcane Masterpiece Of Supreme Creation -- Orgulous Potentials Hidden In The Human Body -- Likelihood Of Talents In A Single Child -- The Magic Of Human Brain -- Growth Of Intellect With Aging -- Human Mind – Source Of Eternal Bliss

    <br /><br /><a class="text" href="sleep_dreams_spiritual.pdf" target="_BLANK">Sleep, Dreams and Spiritual Reflections (awgp)</a>
    <a class="online" href="" target="_BLANK">download</a> (1.0 MB)<br />

    A detailed description of the history and trends in the oriental and occidental philosophy and science of dreams is presented here. The myths and facts about acquisition of extra sensory knowledge, precognition, and psychological depths of the unconscious mind and the unknown subtle world of the inner self through dreams are elucidated here. Thorough reviews of Freud’s, Jung’s and contemporary psychological theories vis-à-vis the relevant aspects of the ancient science of spirituality are discussed under broad perspectives. -- publishers

    <br /><br /><a class="text" href="extra_potentials.pdf" target="_BLANK">The Extrasensory Potentials of Mind (awgp)</a>
    <a class="online" href="" target="_BLANK">download</a> (435 KB)<br />

    The present book has brought in-depth details on the myths and realities of the extrasensory perceptions, supramental talents and supernormal experiences. It is compiled from the translation of the Chapter 6 of the Volume 18 of ‘Pt. Shriram Sharma Acharya Vangmaya’ series. -- publishers

    <br /><br /><a class="text" href="Dreams_GWS.pdf" target="_BLANK">In the Theater of Dreams (Donald J. Degracia)</a>
    <a class="online" href="" target="_BLANK">download</a> (316 KB)<br />

    A hardcore scientific speculation on dreams.

    <br /><br /><a class="text" href="mind.pdf" target="_BLANK">Mind--Its Mysteries and Control (Sivananda)</a>
    <a class="online" href="" target="_BLANK">download</a> (709 KB)<br />

    To everyone striving for success in life, the invariable stumbling block proves to be the turbulent vagaries of the mind. An undisciplined mind makes a man slave and wrecks his life. Controlling and subduing it is the most vexing of problems to the earnest seeker of happiness. The vital importance of the subject, therefore, prompted H.H. Sri Swami Sivanandaji Maharaj to write this comprehensive work... -- publishers

    <br /><br /><a class="text" href="dream.pdf" target="_BLANK">Philosophy of Dreams (Sivananda)</a>
    <a class="online" href="" target="_BLANK">download</a> (149 KB)<br />

    And now we have from his divine pen his inspiring and enlightened thoughts on one of the most interesting phenomena viz., dreams. He has viewed dreams from several angles and thrown such a flood of light on it as to expose not only its unreality, but also the unreality of the waking state. Thus the sage leads us to the Supreme Reality that alone exists. -- publishers

    <br /><br /><a class="text" href="RiddleOfConsciousness(incomplete).pdf" target="_BLANK">The Riddle of Consciousness (Gopi Krishna)</a>
    <a class="online" href="" target="_BLANK">download</a> (169 KB)<br />

    A book in verse form. Were this book to be taken from a time capsule and read a hundred years from now, what would the scientists and people say about it then? This question is appropriate because, in the truest sense, The Riddle of Consciousness is a book of revelation, and as such it calls for the judgment of time. -- Editor

    <br /><br /><a class="text" href="thought_power.pdf" target="_BLANK">Thought Power (Sivananda)</a>
    <a class="online" href="" target="_BLANK">download</a> (255 KB)<br />

    The value of this great little work is evident even from a mere reading of its table of contents. It is a book of perennial interest and many-sided usefulness for self-culture, selfknowledge, acquisition of the power of personality and success in life. -- publishers


  9. #19
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    Re: A Personal Hindu Library

    Puja and Rituals
    Eternity of Sound and the Science of Mantras (awgp) (1.4 MB)

    Acharya Sharma’s elucidation of the esoteric and complex subject
    matter of Shabda Brahm and Mantras is indeed lucid, logical and
    scientific. The book also outlines – how the modern science could
    offer multifaceted benefits towards the incessant welfare of human
    society by constructive investigations in the Science of Mantras. -- publishers

    Hindu Fasts and Feasts (A.C.Mukerji) (9.2 MB)

    In their first form, these essays appeared as articles in The Leader or The Piu.ieer, from time to time, during the years 1913 and 1914. I have now re- written them, with large additions, and arranged them in chronological order, with a view to giving them, if possible, a more permanent form. -- author

    Hindu Fasts and Festivals (Sivananda) (512 KB)

    In this book Gurudev has explained the significance and the philosophy of many of our fasts and festivals. In two aspects of these observances, he has always allowed the greatest freedom: (1) in the determination of the dates of the festival, which, as he has explained on page 53, vary, and (2) in the traditional ways of celebrating them.

    Hindu Feasts, Fasts and Ceremonies (S.M.Natesa Sastri) (11.6 MB)

    ... for Hindus to know themselves, or for others to know them, a study of such matters as Pandit Natesa Sastri sets forth in this little book, as in others of his writings, is essential. -- Henry Beauchamp, Introduction

    Hindu Rituals and Routines: Why Do We Follow them? (525 KB)

    Aachaaraas are followed for the psychological and physiological health and long life; Aachaaraas are followed for prosperity and wealth; Aachaaraas are followed for strong family and social bondage and following the Aachaaraas give a fine personality, dharmic outlook and vision, says our dharmasaastra. -- publishers

    Mantras (Sudhir) (194 KB)

    Allthough I had received so much information already, still at my departure from the ashram I dared to ask him if he was willing to write an article about mantras. Without any hesitation he said yes. When I was back in Holland, I received an email within two weeks. It turned out to be an extensive yet comprised treatise about mantras. As for my question stated above, the direct answer to this can be read in the last two sentences of this article. -- Rob van Dijk, Introduction

    Marriage (SAKSI) (249 KB)

    Concept of Family being the emergent institution of the contemporary human civilization, the Vedas provide adequate solutions to the resultant problems that may arise in marriage. Even after knowing a lot one can't declare that I know everything. Given below are some salient information and ideals. The practice of these ideals will be of great help in the success of married life. -- publishers

    Significance of Idol Worship (Sivananda) (77 KB)

    Worship is the effort on the part of the Upasaka (he who does Upasana or worship to reach the proximity or presence of God or the Supreme Self. Upasana literally means ‘sitting near’ God. Upasana is approaching the chosen ideal or object of worship by meditating on it in accordance with the teachings of the Sastras and the Guru and dwelling steadily in the current of that one thought, like a thread of oil poured from one vessel to another (Tailadharavat). It consists of all those observances and practices—physical and mental—by which the aspirant or Jijnasu makes a steady progress in the realm of spirituality and eventually realises in himself, in his own heart, the presence of Godhead. -- author

    Spiritual Import of Religious Festivals (Krishnananda) (984 KB)

    Here, we believe, is a precious gift to everyone who seeks assistance in
    probing into the philosophical depths and spiritual values behind the
    injunctions of the religion of man. -- publishers
    Bhojana Mantra (Food Blessing) (47 KB)

    A mealtime chant of gratitude to the graceful source of all sustenance, performed while meditating on the core of the universe, with hands in anjali mudrA. -- HA

    Guru Mantra (Chant to the Preceptor) (48 KB)

    This profound vedic hymn in praise of illumined preceptors is traditionally chanted by disciples upon their guru's arrival. Hands are held in the worshipful pose, anjali mudrA. -- HA

    Full Mantra Pushpam (Worship with Flowers) (19 KB)

    yò-pâm pushpäm vedà | pushpàvân präjâvÁn paßümân bhàvati | (Sanskrit text only)

    Shanti Mantra (Peace Invocation) (28 KB)

    A prayer for peace, clarity and blessing to begin and end meetings, based on the spirit of sanga, great rivers or great minds flowing together in selfless, superconscious wisdom. -- HA

    Vedic Hymns (online)

    Aditya Hridayam, Chamakam, Laghu Nyasa, Mantra Pushpam, Purusha Suktam, Rudram, Sri Suktam
    deepa Yagya (awgp) (134 KB)

    Its popularity spread with tremendous speed due to the use of lamps and fragrant sticks which are universally used in worship and prayer by all religions. Therefore, followers of all faiths participate in Deepa Yagya without hesitation. -- publishers

    Ganesha Puja (HA) (2.2 MB)

    Home puja preparation and purefication. -- HA

    Ganesha Homa Puja (HA) (434 KB)

    Introduction to ganesha home puja. -- HA
    Aditya Hridayam -- from the Ramayana (49 KB)

    Devi Stotras (online)

    Abhirami Anthadi, Annapurna Ashtakam, Devi Mahatmyam, Devi Stotram, Indrakshi Stotram, Lalita Sahasra Namam, Lalita Trishati, Maha Lakshmi Ashtakam, MahishasuraMardini Stotra, Meenakshi Pancha Ratnam, Tripura Sundari Ashtakam.

    Durga Saptasati: Sanskrit-English (1.1 MB)

    (Reading time is 60 minutes, for daily Sadhana, one may not read the Sanskrit in red letters) This is an accepted short version for daily reading and sadhana that must be completed with Havan by a priest. -- publishers

    mArgabandhustotram by Appaya Dixita (tr.N.Balasubramanian) (478 KB)

    Margabandhu stotram: This small hymn is about Lord Marga sahaya or Margabandhu of Virinchipuram, near Vellore, NA Dt., the family deity of Dikshita. It is very e ective when recited before and during journy to ward o accidents and ensure success. -- author

    Navagraha Stotram (Sanskrit-English) (70 KB)

    Purusa Sukta & Commentary (523 KB)

    The Purußa Sukta is considered to be the quintessential hymn of the Vedas. It is found in all the four Vedas with slight variations1. The Mudgala Upanißad gives a nice summary of this hymn. It is said that if one does not have the facility to study the entire Veda then one should study only this Sûkta and one would thus obtain the benefit of studying all the four Vedas. This text is the most commonly used text of the entire Veda and is chanted in almost every Hindu religious ceremony from birth to death. The subject of this Sûkta is the Supreme Being — Purußa, and the emanation of the universe. -- publishers

    Rudra-Prasnam (online)
    Chamakam (online)

    What follows is the Rudra prasnam and Chamaka prasnam transliterated into English and followed by a translation in English. Care has been taken to make the English translation simple and in a form which can be chanted. -- publishers

    Shiva Stotras (online)

    Daridraya Dahana Stotram, Lingashtakam, Pradosha Mahatmyam, Shiva Panchakshara, Shiva Paradha, Shiva Sadakshara Stotram, Siva Samhita, Thiruvempavai, Vaidyanatha Ashtakam, Veda Sara Shiva Sthavam.

    shiva: attributes (online)

    [From "Lord Siva and His Worship" by Swami Sivananda]

    shiva: sarvalinga stava (online)

    [From "Lord Siva and His Worship" by Swami Sivananda]

    shivAparAda kshamapana stotra (online)

    shivananda lahari (online)

    Vishnu Stotras (online)

    Achyutha Ashtakam, Guruvayurappan Stotras, Hari Nama Keerthanam, Hari Nama Mala Stotram, Hari Sarana Sapthakam, Madhurashtakam, Mukunda Mala, Nama Ramayana, Namam Japikkuga, Narayana Suktam, Samkshepa Ramayana, Samkshepa SundaraKanda, Sundara Kandam, Thiruppavai, Venkatesa Suprabhatam, Vishnu Sahasra Namam, Vishnu Shodasa Namam, Vishnu Suktam

    Other Stotras (online)

    Anjaneya Stotra, Ayyappa Suprabatham, Bhagawat Charana Stotra, Dattatreya Stotram, Eka Dantha Stotram, Ganapati Shodasa Stotram, Ganesha Dwadasa, Garbha Raksha Stotram, Guha Panchakam, Harivarasanam, Jnana Pana, Narada Bhakti Sutras, Nava Graha Stotram, Skanda Sashti Kavacham, Surya Ashtakam, Thodakashtakam

  10. #20
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    August 2006
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    Re: A Personal Hindu Library

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    <!--- Title -->
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    <h5 style="text-align:center; color:black">
    My Personal Hindu Library </h5>

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    <div style="margin-left:20px; margin-right:20px; font-weight:normal;">
    <em class="highlight">
    Puja and Rituals </em> &nbsp: (&clubs; indicates a booklet)<br />

    <a class="online" href="#about">About</a> |
    <a class="online" href="#mantras">Mantras</a> |
    <a class="online" href="#pujas">Pujas</a> |
    <a class="online" href="#stotras">Stotras</a>

    <br /><br />
    <!-- About -->
    <a name="about"></a>
    <em class="green"> About </em><br />
    <a class="text" href="mantra_science.pdf" target="_BLANK">Eternity of Sound and the Science of Mantras (awgp)</a>
    <a class="online" href="" target="_BLANK">download</a> (457 KB)<br />

    Acharya Sharma’s elucidation of the esoteric and complex subject
    matter of abda Brah and Mantras is indeed lucid, logical and
    scientific. The book also outlines – how the modern science could
    offer multifaceted benefits towards the incessant welfare of human
    society by constructive investigations in the Science of Mantras. -- publishers

    <br /><br /><a class="text" href="hindufastsandfea00mukeuoft.pdf" target="_BLANK">Hindu Fasts and Feasts (A.C.Mukerji)</a>
    <a class="online" href="" target="_BLANK">download</a> (9.2 MB)<br />

    In their first form, these essays appeared as articles in The Leader or The Piu.ieer, from time to time, during the years 1913 and 1914. I have now re- written them, with large additions, and arranged them in chronological order, with a view to giving them, if possible, a more permanent form. -- author

    <br /><br /><a class="text" href="hindufest.pdf" target="_BLANK">Hindu Fasts and Festivals (Sivananda)</a>
    <a class="online" href="" target="_BLANK">download</a> (512 KB)<br />

    In this book Gurudev has explained the significance and the philosophy of many of our fasts and festivals. In two aspects of these observances, he has always allowed the greatest freedom: (1) in the determination of the dates of the festival, which, as he has explained on page 53, vary, and (2) in the traditional ways of celebrating them.

    <br /><br /><a class="text" href="hindufeastsfasts00sastuoft.pdf" target="_BLANK">Hindu Feasts, Fasts and Ceremonies (S.M.Natesa Sastri)</a>
    <a class="online" href="" target="_BLANK">download</a> (11.6 MB)<br />

    ... for Hindus to know themselves, or for others to know them, a study of such matters as Pandit Natesa Sastri sets forth in this little book, as in others of his writings, is essential. -- Henry Beauchamp, Introduction

    <br /><br /><a class="text" href="Hindu Rituals and Routines.pdf" target="_BLANK">Hindu Rituals and Routines: Why Do We Follow them?</a>
    <a class="online" href="" target="_BLANK">download</a> (525 KB)<br />

    Aachaaraas are followed for the psychological and physiological health and long life; Aachaaraas are followed for prosperity and wealth; Aachaaraas are followed for strong family and social bondage and following the Aachaaraas give a fine personality, dharmic outlook and vision, says our dharmasaastra. -- publishers

    <br /><br /><a class="text" href="Sudhir about mantras.pdf" target="_BLANK">Mantras (Sudhir)</a> &clubs;
    <a class="online" href="" target="_BLANK">download</a> (194 KB)<br />

    Allthough I had received so much information already, still at my departure from the ashram I dared to ask him if he was willing to write an article about mantras. Without any hesitation he said yes. When I was back in Holland, I received an email within two weeks. It turned out to be an extensive yet comprised treatise about mantras. As for my question stated above, the direct answer to this can be read in the last two sentences of this article. -- Rob van Dijk, Introduction

    <br /><br /><a class="text" href="MarriageKs.pdf" target="_BLANK">Marriage (SAKSI)</a>
    <a class="online" href="" target="_BLANK">download</a> (249 KB)<br />

    Concept of Family being the emergent institution of the contemporary human civilization, the Vedas provide adequate solutions to the resultant problems that may arise in marriage. Even after knowing a lot one can't declare that I know everything. Given below are some salient information and ideals. The practice of these ideals will be of great help in the success of married life. -- publishers

    <br /><br /><a class="text" href="idolworship.pdf" target="_BLANK">Significance of Idol Worship (Sivananda)</a>&clubs;
    <a class="online" href="" target="_BLANK">download</a> (77 KB)<br />

    Worship is the effort on the part of the Upasaka (he who does Upasana or worship to reach the proximity or presence of God or the Supreme Self. Upasana literally means ‘sitting near’ God. Upasana is approaching the chosen ideal or object of worship by meditating on it in accordance with the teachings of the Sastras and the Guru and dwelling steadily in the current of that one thought, like a thread of oil poured from one vessel to another (Tailadharavat). It consists of all those observances and practices—physical and mental—by which the aspirant or Jijnasu makes a steady progress in the realm of spirituality and eventually realises in himself, in his own heart, the presence of Godhead. -- author

    <br /><br /><a class="text" href="festival.pdf" target="_BLANK">Spiritual Import of Religious Festivals (Krishnananda)</a>
    <a class="online" href="" target="_BLANK">download</a> (984 KB)<br />

    Here, we believe, is a precious gift to everyone who seeks assistance in
    probing into the philosophical depths and spiritual values behind the
    injunctions of the religion of man. -- publishers

    <!-- Mantras -->
    <a name="mantras"></a>
    <br /><br /><em class="green"> Mantras </em><br />
    <a class="text" href="bhojana_mantra.pdf" target="_BLANK">Bhojana Mantra (Food Blessing) (HA)</a> &clubs;
    <a class="online" href="" target="_BLANK">download</a> (47 KB)<br />

    A mealtime chant of gratitude to the graceful source of all sustenance, performed while meditating on the core of the universe, with hands in Anjali mudrA. -- HA

    <br /><br /><a class="text" href="guru_mantra.pdf" target="_BLANK">Guru Mantra (Chant to the Preceptor) (HA)</a> &clubs;
    <a class="online" href="" target="_BLANK">download</a> (48 KB)<br />

    This profound vedic hymn in praise of illumined preceptors is traditionally chanted by disciples upon their guru's arrival. Hands are held in the worshipful pose, anjali mudrA. -- HA

    <br /><br /><a class="text" href="mantra_pushpam.pdf" target="_BLANK">Full Mantra Pushpam (Worship with Flowers) (HA)</a> &clubs;
    <a class="online" href="" target="_BLANK">download</a> (19 KB)<br />

    yò-pâm pushpäm vedà | pushpàvân präjâvÁn paßümân bhàvati | (Sanskrit text only)

    <br /><br /><a class="text" href="shanti_mantra.pdf" target="_BLANK">Shanti Mantra (Peace Invocation) (HA)</a> &clubs;
    <a class="online" href="" target="_BLANK">download</a> (28 KB)<br />

    A prayer for peace, clarity and blessing to begin and end meetings, based on the spirit of sanga, great rivers or great minds flowing together in selfless, superconscious wisdom. -- HA

    <br /><br /><a class="online" href="" target="_BLANK">Vedic Hymns (online)</a><br />

    Aditya Hridayam, Chamakam, Laghu Nyasa, Mantra Pushpam, Purusha Suktam, Rudram, Sri Suktam

    <!-- Pujas -->
    <a name="pujas"></a>
    <br /><br /><em class="green"> Pujas </em><br />
    <a class="text" href="deep_yagya_eng.pdf" target="_BLANK">deep Yagya (awgp)</a>&clubs;
    <a class="online" href="" target="_BLANK">download</a> (134 KB)<br />

    Its popularity spread with tremendous speed due to the use of lamps and fragrant sticks which are universally used in worship and prayer by all religions. Therefore, followers of all faiths participate in Deepa Yagya without hesitation. -- publishers

    <br /><br /><a class="text" href="ganesha_puja_color.pdf" target="_BLANK">Ganesha Puja (HA)</a>
    <a class="online" href="" target="_BLANK">download</a> (2.2 MB)<br />

    Home puja preparation and purefication. -- HA

    <br /><br /><a class="text" href="ganesha_puja_bw.pdf" target="_BLANK">Ganesha Homa Puja (HA)</a>
    <a class="online" href="" target="_BLANK">download</a> (434 KB)<br />

    Introduction to ganesha home puja. -- HA

    <!-- Stotras -->
    <a name="stotras"></a>
    <br /><br /><em class="green"> Stotras </em><br />
    <a class="text" href="AdityaHrudayam.pdf" target="_BLANK">Aditya Hridayam -- from the Ramayana (Sanskrit-English)</a>
    <a class="online" href="" target="_BLANK">download</a> (49 KB)<br />

    <br /><a class="online" href="" target="_BLANK">Devi Stotras (online)</a><br />

    Abhirami Anthadi, Annapurna Ashtakam, Devi Mahatmyam, Devi Stotram, Indrakshi Stotram, Lalita Sahasra Namam, Lalita Trishati, Maha Lakshmi Ashtakam, MahishasuraMardini Stotra, Meenakshi Pancha Ratnam, Tripura Sundari Ashtakam.

    <br /><br /><a class="text" href="durga-saptasati-english.pdf" target="_BLANK">Durga Saptasati (Sanskrit-English)</a>
    <a class="online" href="" target="_BLANK">download</a> (1.1 MB)<br />

    (Reading time is 60 minutes, for daily Sadhana, one may not read the Sanskrit in red letters) This is an accepted short version for daily reading and sadhana that must be completed with Havan by a priest. -- publishers

    <br /><br /><a class="text" href="maargabandhu.pdf" target="_BLANK">mArgabandhustotram by Appaya Dixita</a>
    <a class="online" href="" target="_BLANK">download</a> (478 KB)<br />

    Margabandhu stotram: This small hymn is about Lord Marga sahaya or Margabandhu of Virinchipuram, near Vellore, NA Dt., the family deity of Dikshita. It is very e ective when recited before and during journy to ward o accidents and ensure success. -- author

    <br /><br /><a class="text" href="Graha.pdf" target="_BLANK">Navagraha Stotram (Sanskrit-English)</a>
    <a class="online" href="" target="_BLANK">download</a> (70 KB)<br />

    <br /><a class="text" href="purusasuktacommentary.pdf" target="_BLANK">Purusa Sukta & Commentary</a>
    <a class="online" href="" target="_BLANK">download</a> (523 KB)<br />

    The Purußa Sukta is considered to be the quintessential hymn of the Vedas. It is found in all the four Vedas with slight variations1. The Mudgala Upanißad gives a nice summary of this hymn. It is said that if one does not have the facility to study the entire Veda then one should study only this Sûkta and one would thus obtain the benefit of studying all the four Vedas. This text is the most commonly used text of the entire Veda and is chanted in almost every Hindu religious ceremony from birth to death. The subject of this Sûkta is the Supreme Being — Purußa, and the emanation of the universe. -- publishers

    <br /><br /><a class="online" href="" target="_BLANK">Rudra-Prasnam (online)</a><br />

    <a class="online" href="" target="_BLANK">Chamakam (online)</a><br />

    What follows is the Rudra prasnam and Chamaka prasnam transliterated into English and followed by a translation in English. Care has been taken to make the English translation simple and in a form which can be chanted. -- publishers

    <br /><br /><a class="online" href="" target="_BLANK">Shiva Stotras (online)</a><br />
    Daridraya Dahana Stotram, Lingashtakam, Pradosha Mahatmyam, Shiva Panchakshara, Shiva Paradha, Shiva Sadakshara Stotram, Siva Samhita, Thiruvempavai, Vaidyanatha Ashtakam, Veda Sara Shiva Sthavam.

    <br /><br /><a class="online" href="" target="_BLANK">shiva: attributes (online)</a><br />

    [From "Lord Siva and His Worship" by Swami Sivananda]

    <br /><br /><a class="online" href="" target="_BLANK">shiva: sarvalinga stava (online)</a><br />

    [From "Lord Siva and His Worship" by Swami Sivananda]

    <br /><br /><a class="online" href="" target="_BLANK">shivAparAda kshamapana stotra (online)</a><br />

    <br /><a class="online" href="" target="_BLANK">shivananda lahari (online)</a><br />

    <br /><a class="online" href="" target="_BLANK">Vishnu Stotras (online)</a><br />

    Achyutha Ashtakam, Guruvayurappan Stotras, Hari Nama Keerthanam, Hari Nama Mala Stotram, Hari Sarana Sapthakam, Madhurashtakam, Mukunda Mala, Nama Ramayana, Namam Japikkuga, Narayana Suktam, Samkshepa Ramayana, Samkshepa SundaraKanda, Sundara Kandam, Thiruppavai, Venkatesa Suprabhatam, Vishnu Sahasra Namam, Vishnu Shodasa Namam, Vishnu Suktam

    <br /><br /><a class="online" href="" target="_BLANK">Other Stotras (online)</a><br />

    Anjaneya Stotra, Ayyappa Suprabatham, Bhagawat Charana Stotra, Dattatreya Stotram, Eka Dantha Stotram, Ganapati Shodasa Stotram, Ganesha Dwadasa, Garbha Raksha Stotram, Guha Panchakam, Harivarasanam, Jnana Pana, Narada Bhakti Sutras, Nava Graha Stotram, Skanda Sashti Kavacham, Surya Ashtakam, Thodakashtakam


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