Namaste all, I am very new to the forum and greatly intrigued with sanskrit. However I am unable to read or translate it. Personally I believe the font is among the most beautiful in our world's history. I am considering getting a tattoo soon of the two most valuable things Ive learned in my life so far. But I would really like to have these phrases tattooed in sanskrit. Online translators are inaccurate and putting something on my body that may be translated incorrectly would be a big mistake. I was hoping some of you could lend me a hand here and show me what these phrases would look like in sanskrit.

The first is: "Trust few with your mind and fewer with your heart"
The second is: "Live a life of purpose"

I know that all languages are different and not everything always translates cleanly, if that is the case, something similar to these with the same idea would still be fantastic. Any help is greatly appreciated!